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About thenamesed

  • Birthday 08/23/1923

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    Jersey Shore

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  1. I know this exist but I don't see where you can see there stats. And for now the battlesystem is poop but in the san diego comicon it was said in the future update they will be coming out with trading system a 1v1 battle system team leaders for gyms and extra functionalities for pokestops etc a lot more stuff they didn't go into detail, but which I'm very excited about. There main focus before anything right now is the servers and bugs for the moment. After that there second focus might be bans for people trying to use hacks and exploits etc.
  2. You can try 15 mph, has been working for me anything above that won't register. Empty parking lots your best bet. My current team btw:
  3. I'll be coming back but with a new acc since I cant remember my old ones ): And does anyone know how I can possibly play from my phone while my computer is on?... I did it before just can't remember the exact programs etc I used... can't find the exact thread about it either.
  4. Well, what has changed since 2 years or 1 year ago? I'm trying to look at the change logs and whatnot but can someone dumb it down for me like the most key things they changed that effected casual players or pro players the most.
  5. Been gone for 2 years.. is it worth it to come back? I only remember one out of 3 of my accounts. I might have to start from scratch... wonder if this game will still be fun.
  6. thenamesed

    Desktop Thread

    It changes every 30 minutes I have 431 shuffled backgrounds never get the same one going. And I use a 60' HDTV and sit far from the screen so it's actually quite light for me.
  7. thenamesed

    Desktop Thread

    After trying Linux, Hakintosh(AMD) and all window version from xp up to 10 I settled with windows 7 for compatibility with all the programs/games I use daily. [spoiler][/spoiler]
  8. Too many people are fixated on the whole "6x31 poke team" being said(already 3 people quoted/mentioned it and completely let what is being discussed about fly right above their heads). Even if you are trying for something mildly close to that it is still significantly a long grinding boring process to get a team made up for competitive play. It's not about wanting perfect stats on the pokemon team you want it's about getting them up to par with other competitive players and that in itself is ridiculously hard in this MMO. I know I won't be bothered to grind in this game as easy as it is to multi-task this game and watch anime/tv or w/e. It just ain't worth it and the satisfaction is non-existent.
  9. I log in to chat to friends from time to time. Other than that this game's endgame is not for the light heart-ed. Unless you love grinding forever. Forever is a long time. Your topic/post has honestly been the only post that I arguably enjoyed reading in months since the update changes and the new region. And I completely agree with everything you said. That's why I don't even bother playing anymore. Is still a huge gap even with the players that join couple months before the breeding change. You want competitiveness? Go play them simulators like you said.
  10. Some would argue if not all that this is not your EVERYday MMO. So it's only fair to compare this game with itself and it's prior updates.
  11. Dude I felt just like you at some point during the discussion of the updates... but honestly regardless of what they do with this game I bet you will still play it. As shitty as anything anyone will change this game people will still play for the nostalgia or what have you. There isn't many games or if any at all anymore like this one, an mmo based of the original roms.
  12. Woa nice pixel art man o: And welcome!
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