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About MrNumnums

  • Birthday 07/04/1914

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  1. My team is working on the scamming problem. We will find a way to take them down :)

    1. TheGloriousWalrus


      You can't, you won't, and you'll likely get yourselves banned in the process of doing so.

      PokeMMO doesn't respect scammers in any way,in fact they've implemented a handfull of features to prevent it.

      There's also a massive guide on how to advoid and prevent scamming.

      However they do care about the privacy of their users and don't want witchhunts to get started on scammers.

    2. Vorred


      Ignore Walrus, I believe in you!

  2. The one i was facing didn't have icebeam duh. If it had i would have used a different poke lol
  3. Well with that one i had to fight fire with fire lol. two ways though. Did one with a Scyther using double team as well, then use focus energy then spammed slash. The other way was i used a similar method of making out a poke's sp def so it couldn't kill me as easy, rested, then focus energy spammed slash ^^ It wasn't the best way around it but it worked lol. The point was it can get around it. There are ways. And just because people like you are too uncreative to think doesn't mean there's not ways around most things.
  4. True there are alot of combo's not yet available. I still wana make a Blastios with mirror coat and counter :D. But I'm telling you i've faced teams with a bunch of sleepers, sweepers, walls, lawls, trolls, and double teamers, and there's always ways around it. Your team should be well rounded enough to deal with each thing or have a good enough method to kill their's before they have a chance to get off their "cheap" sleep spam or double team spam. I feel it's the same as dragon dance. You try to get them before they spam it otherwise they seem unsinkable.
  5. And you can egg train Haze. There's alot of pokemon in my teams that have haze. Roar seems to work pretty well actually so far i've used it and when they're too high a level to use it on i haze them. Also Crit hits is a way to get around it. Ive found that Crit hits actually ignore just about everything. So i came up with a combo for upping it all the way and spamming it a few times till it hits the double team master and kills it. I'm talking from personal experience. my buddy has a vaporeon that does nothing but double team then kills everything in it's way while healing and walling. It's a nightmare. Thus i found ways around it. not cried and asked it to be banned. All I'm saying is there are ways around any other person's method of battle. And just because you point out it's hard doesn't mean you can't do it. Just means you'd rather take the easy way out. (not gana insult sorry. ><;)
  6. The fact that you think Aromatherapy doesn't work makes everything you say just outdated.. ><; Sorry can't take you for real.
  7. I'm just tired of fighting you noobs saying "ooh you can't put to sleep more then one pokemon!!" I just wana tell them "well you can't keep switching every single time then brain dead.. >__<;" It wouldn't be a problem if this wasn't the "official tournament!" I'd just pawn it off as noobs being noobs but gawd you guys. or at least have this tourney with all these bloody brain dead rules and have a real tournament once in awhile. Look up actual pokemon tourneys. The only problem i have with those is legendary is aloud lol. not because they're "cheap" which they kinda are but cus the concept of there being 10 zapados's is kinda a DR Who rip off episode lol.
  8. It's called HAZE and SHOCKWAVE. Oh hey arial ace. oooooor faint attack :D Roar even. My buddy uses Double team with his Vaporeon and i found ways to kick it's swishy mermaid behind lol. Sleep? Guess what? Insomnia.It's not luck based. It's using a method. Just as much as Dragon Huggers spamming dragon dance. Why not just band everything but normal moves without secondary effects while ur at it?? oooh no bodyslam is cheap cus 30% of the time it paralyzes you! that bad! lmao. this thing's a joke guys cmon.
  9. Ok Question... List of clauses.. Why have them? Sides the actual pokemon tournament rules? Mostly just banning repeat held items and you can't use two charzards and what not? Why do you feel the need to reward bad playing skills? If someone's spamming sleep, just have a poke on your team that can counter that. Using double team? Haze it. roar it. shockwave it. They're using items you don't like? Knock off, trick them out of it. Makes for a wider range of game-play and skills. But instead it's so bland that ur just rewarding pure sweepers who have almost no status effects. Because that's creative and great strategy right? :/ Blaw you guys need to have a real tourney and stop harping about "oooh nuuu my sweeper can't hit someone using double team!!! Raaaage i can't figure out how to stop it!! BAN IT BAN IT NOOOOOW!!" lol.
  10. Trying to Make a chart/guide on how much pokemon and items are worth money wise :)

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