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  1. Had a 2 hour argument with someone on global who thought sleep clause should be removed. I still have nightmares.
  2. >reporting something that's not against the rules
  3. Oh yes. +1 all the way here. It gets really laggy and clustery sometimes. It gets really bad when there's a ton of people trading all at once and you can't read anything because of all the pictures.
  4. Somehow I feel like this would be abused heavily.
  5. Render:Shiny Rhyperior Colors:Whatever looks nice. Dark gray? Text: ninjaspartan [CMjr] Cobalt Knights If you cant fit in Cobalt Knights while making it look pleasing, then you can just keep it out, it's totally understandable.
  6. +1 Works well in showdown. Sometimes something comes up or my opponent is stalling/wasting when we both know he is going to win. Makes for a waste of time when i could be otherwise improving my team.
  7. -1 Prevents easy trading between alts and between friends. There is already enough security in trades at this point. The devs cannot possibly make the system anymore foolproof without making it extremely annoying for everyone else, and frankly It does not need to be changed at all. If people are still getting scammed then that is entirely on them and in no way the fault of the system. There's even a pinned thread in the guide tavern to prevent scams.... https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/21710-guide-possible-scams-and-how-to-avoid-them/ What more can new players expect? Certainly not this suggestion...
  8. Joined pokemmo one year ago today.

  9. Just voicing an opinion here, but if there are people whose internet is bad enough to where they cannot make a forum post in time. Wont it be the same people who cant make it to the tourney in time or dc in the middle of a battle? Do we really want those people to join tourneys just to dc and be replaced by a reserve?
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