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Frag last won the day on December 3 2021

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  1. Probably TC fault also, the worst we've had in years, dugtrio still there and gallade still untouched. Games must be continously updating to keep people interested, even if changes are not too good, but they haven't done anything. 3 votes vs 3 votes while deciding trio fate, wtf was that, are we in politics now, democrats vs republicans.
  2. Gallade is broken and became a cancer again, hope devs do something if they want to keep people playing, coz like me, im pretty sure there are others thats gets bored when things turns shit
  3. Most people defending trio just pointing the obvious, it's true that trio is shit vs some archetypes, but against the other half it's a 100% win condition. Duels should be decided by skilled players, not by the ones who preffer some easy wins with match up fishing. Trio impact in the half of matchups is just too high compared with other mons, and thats why it should go.
  4. The base of the game is about switching, arena trap prevents that, and you can't do anything to prevent it, so is broken, simple as that.
  5. Like you said, it's fine if we don't match perfectly against every single threat in the game, it is made that way, but playing well you should have a minimal chance of winning when facing a bad matchup, not an instant lose before start, and those arena trap teams have 100% chance of winning against half of the meta. It's impossible to make two players play under same conditions like in chess, but at least we can close that gap.
  6. What. Most of things you said are wrong. People often sac one of their set up mons before sending trio, which in most of cases is the best play, you will only trap trio after hes done with his job so is useless. Also 99,9% trio teams are balance, defog against these teams is easy, nobody will sacrifice his trio to set rocks vs pory.
  7. The thing I really don't like about arena trap is that it limits the whole tier, forcing people to having an extra answer to not get sweept by Toge or other mon after your counter dies trapped, so in high ranks we always play against the same spammed strats which becomes boring af. Something simillar to Draco hydre, which made some mons and playstile really bad like shao and rain, both mons kills diversity and are unhealty. Imagine starting a match and you already know you have 0% chance to win, even with a good balance team and playing perfect, arena trap is the only ability that reward people with 0 skill, they only need to know which mon to trap, nothing more.
  8. Hone claws mixed chomp is a good wallbreaker, most of time it uses gem to secure a kill or lum berry to get momentum and kill something, so like many wallbreakers it does the 1-1 trade with another mon. Sd chomp is a broken wallbreaker, it doesnt need gem or lum berry to do the work, instead it uses yache berry to stay in the field after do his thing. I'm not speculating, when chomp was released with sd, yache was the most spammed item on it. About Wobbu: XD Why is trio not banned yet.
  9. took me around six boring hours, and just in case, you need to have both saphires in the machine to be able to find the birds
  10. we should stop talking about buffing dragons until fairy type is added, hydre was a mistake already
  11. try to catch me on or dm on dc Frag#5252
  12. They just gave us a nice shiny buff so people don't complain about the bad and rushed event they made this year. The elfbot dungeon was also bad, people was complaining last year about being hours inside that thing, i'm sure that's the reason they did something different now. I just hope next year for a totally reworked and fun new christmass event.
  13. 90% of ppl in this game plays ho, the only reason to call stall "dominant" over ho is bc 80% of them just click buttons and stall players have it easy. Good players (just a few) most of the time will beat stall with 6 sweepers, there are stuff in ou that you just can't wall. Also only 1/15 duels on ladder are vs stall. Stall is not dominant, bad players are.
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