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[Story] [Romance] [Comedy] Vanilla Sky (v0)


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Hanesawa Blum es mi nombre.

Soy una persona más en el mundo nada especial.

Qué es lo que me impulsa a seguir? Qué es la vida? Para qué vivimos? Son algunas de las preguntas qué me hago diariamente.

Veo el cielo de un color muy sombrío, casi igualable a el de una nube de tormenta acercándose desde el horizonte.

-Disculpa, nos conocemos?

(Una chica me preguntó amablemente)

-No lo creo, pero cuál es tu nombre?

-Mi nombre es Rin

Parecía que mi suerte había cambiado de un momento a otro al verla sonreír tan tímidamente.


(Una chica gritó detras de ella)

-Disculpa me tengo ir

Eso fue demasiado interesante….

Rayos si no me apuro, llegaré tarde a la ceremonia y tendré problemas!

(Corrí hasta la escuela hasta que derrepente)


-Oh eres tu Hotaru

-Claro, quién más podría ser?

-No lo sé…

- Escuchasté el rumor de la nueva estudiante?

-Dicen que es muy linda

El es Hotaru Kakeru, mi amigo de la infancia algo pervertido pero es una de las pocas personas en las cuales confío en realidad.

-Alejate un poco quieres! Estas comenzando a babear

-Losiento, cada vez que imagino a una chica linda sucede eso

-Nunca cambiaras Hotaru

[Despues de algunos minutos]

Apezar de ir con minutos de retrazo logramos llegar a la escuela. Apenas comenzo mi dia y ya quiero volver a casa.

-Tenemos una nueva estudiante en la clase!

-Porfavor pasa a presentarte

En ese momento sentia que mi corazon paraba de palpitar.

Era la misma chica que habia visto anteriormente.

- Mi nombre es hoshizu..


-Eres tu!

No podia creerlo, grito apuntando hacia la direccion de mi asiento.

-No, creo que me has confundido con una persona diferente

-Enserio? Podria jurar que eras la persona que vi en la mañana

- Que bueno que se lleven bien, Hanesawa te haras cargo de Hoshizu por el dia de hoy

En ese momento no podria creer el lio en el cual estaba metido y la forma en la cual eso afectaria mi vida en el futuro.

-Espero nos podamos llevar bien Hanesawa

Sus ojos son hermosos y su sonrisa es brillante como el sol. Es la tipica chica salida de un manga shoujo.

[La hora del almuerzo]

-Corre Hanesawa!!

-Espera no tan rapido!

-Si no nos apuramos se terminará el pan

Ahí estabamos Hotaru y yo corriendo por la supervivencia del mas fuerte.


De un momento a otro estaba en el suelo tocandole los pechos a una chica que no conocía.

-Lo siento, no pude detenerme

Que es esto tan suave? ( me decia a mi mismo )

*Aprieta los pechos*

-Losiento, enserio lo siento!

-Estas bien?

-Si, pero podrias quitar tus manos porfavor?

Frente a mi estaba una chica de pequeña estatura con grandes pechos y sonrojada por lo sucedido.

-Pervertido,escoria, enemigo de las mujeres!

Fueron sus palabras antes de darme un golpe el cual me quitase la conciencia por algunas horas.

-Mi nombre es Kimiko

-Kimiko Sora

- Siento lo que paso anteriormente no pude controlar mi ira

- Te entiendo la culpa fue mia

Despues de hablar por un tiempo note lo linda que era Sora.

- Sora donde estas?

(Grito alguien fuera de la enfermeria)

Ante mi estaban dos angeles, chicas tan lindas que cualquiera las podria envidiar.

- Estoy aqui Rin

- Sora te estaba buscando !

- porque estas en la enfermeria?

- El… es la razon

- Hanesawa espero no le hayas hecho nada malo a Sora!

- No, solo tube un accidente y ella me ayudo a venir aqui

- Hmmm pero que sospechozo!

- Fue mi culpa corria muy rapido y cai por las escaleras

- Entiendo, espero y te mejores

- Vamos Sora el almuerzo esta apunto de terminar

Por los pasillos podia escuchar los murmuros de la gente al caminar.

(Te diste cuenta la chica nueva y el se conocen me pregunto que tipo de relacion tendran?)

No se que es lo que la gente piensa de mi despues de tal presentacion. Devuelveme mi orgullo Rin, devuelvemelo!!

[Ding Dong]

- Todos pasen a sus lugares

- Huh?

- Donde esta Hotaru Kakeru?

- Hanesawa!!!!

Ahi estaba yo de nuevo, siendo matado por la mirada de otra persona sin tener alguna culpa.

- No tengo ni la mas minima idea

- Ve a buscarlo!

No entiendo el porque tengo que cargar yo con problemas agenos.

- Deseguro es porque no se a casado y vive amargada

- Que dijiste Hanesawa?

- Nada…

- Solo pensaba donde podria estar Hotaru.

- Me voy!

Escapar de la muerte como nadie mas. Mi unica salvacion era correr y encontrar a Hotaru.

( A lo lejos escuche la voz de una chica )

- Me gustas!

- Quisieras salir conmigo?


Who's will be this misterious girl confessing her love?// Quien sera la chica confesando su amor?

English translation soon tm



Hanesawa Blum is my name.

I am one more person in the world, nothing special.

What is it that drives me to continue? What is life? What do we live for? These are some of the questions I ask myself every day.

I see the sky of a very dark color, almost equal to that of a storm cloud approaching from the horizon.

-Excuse me, we know each other?

(A girl asked me kindly)

-I do not think so, but what is your name?

-My name is Rin

It seemed that my luck had changed from one moment to another to see her smile so timidly.


(A girl screamed behind her)

-Excuse me, I have to go

That was too interesting ...

Rays if I do not hurry, I'll be late for the ceremony and I'll have problems!

(I ran to school until it was over)


-Oh, you are your Hotaru

-Of course, who else could it be?

-I do not know…

- I heard the rumor of the new student?

-They say it's very cute

He is Hotaru Kakeru, my somewhat perverted childhood friend but he is one of the few people I trust in reality.

-back up a bit! You are starting to drool

--I'm sorry, every time I imagine a beautiful girl that happens,

-You will never change Hotaru

[After a few minutes]
Appear to go with minutes of delay we get to school. I just started my day and I want to go back home.

-We have a new student in the class!

-Please come in to introduce yourself

At that moment I felt my heart stop beating.

It was the same girl I had seen before.

- My name is hoshizu ..

-Ohh ..

-It's you!

I could not believe it, I scream pointing to the direction of my seat.

-No, I think you've confused me with a different person

-Seriously? I could swear you were the person I saw in the morning

- Good thing you get along, Hanesawa will take care of Hoshizu for today

At that time I could not believe the mess I was in and the way in which it would affect my life in the future.

-I hope we can get along well Hanesawa

His eyes are beautiful and his smile is bright as the sun. It's the typical girl out of a manga shoujo.

[Lunch time]

-Run Hanesawa !!

- Wait not so fast!

-If we do not hurry, the bread will be finished

There we were Hotaru and I running for the survival of the strongest.

-Watch out!

From one moment to the next I was on the floor touching the breasts of a girl I did not know.

-I'm sorry, I could not stop

What is this so soft? (he said to myself)

* Squeeze the breasts *

-Losiento, really sorry!

-You're good?

-Yes, but could you take your hands please?

In front of me was a girl of small stature with big breasts and flushed by what happened.

-Pervert, scum, enemy of women!

It was his words before giving me a blow which took my conscience for a few hours.

-My name is Kimiko

-Kimiko Sora

- I feel what happened before I could not control my anger

- I understand, it was my fault

After talking for a while I noticed how pretty Sora was.

- Sora, where are you?

(Someone shouted outside the infirmary)

Before me were two angels, girls so pretty that anyone could envy them.
I'm here Rin

- Sora was looking for you!

- Why are you in the infirmary?

- The ... is the reason

- Hanesawa, I hope you did not do anything bad to Sora!

- No, I just had an accident and she helped me come here

- Hmmm, but I suspect!

- It was my fault I ran very fast and fell down the stairs

- I understand, I hope and you better

- Come on Sora lunch is about to end

Through the corridors I could hear the murmurs of people walking.

(You noticed the new girl and he knows me I wonder what kind of relationship they will have?)

I do not know what people think of me after such a presentation. Give me my Rhine pride, return it to me !!

[Ding Dong]

- Everyone go to their places

- Huh?

- Where is Hotaru Kakeru?

- Hanesawa !!!!

There I was again, being killed by the look of another person without having any fault.

- I do not have the slightest idea

- Go get it!
I do not understand why I have to carry myself with problems.

- I do not want to be married and live bitter

- What did you say Hanesawa?

- Nothing…

- I was just thinking where Hotaru could be.

- I'm going!

Escape death like nobody else. My only salvation was running and finding Hotaru.

(In the distance I heard the voice of a girl)

- I like you!

- Would you like to go out with me?


Edited by Linfanz
Added English Translation
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1 hour ago, Linfanz said:

In accordance with forum rules, please ensure you include an English translation ASAP. Thank you.

Read the whole thing before coming to a conclusion. At the end says english translation soon tm. Thank you.

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1 minute ago, Takens said:

Read the whole thing before coming to a conclusion. At the end says english translation soon tm. Thank you.

Yes, I'm only asking you do it quickly, in fact you're technically supposed to post both languages at the same time as opposed to doing it later. I can't moderate this section properly if I can't understand the story due to it being in another language.

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1 hour ago, Linfanz said:

Yes, I'm only asking you do it quickly, in fact you're technically supposed to post both languages at the same time as opposed to doing it later. I can't moderate this section properly if I can't understand the story due to it being in another language.

Man chill a little do you even know how long it takes for a light novel develope now imagine translate it while being in college under a medical major.

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17 hours ago, Takens said:

Man chill a little do you even know how long it takes for a light novel develope now imagine translate it while being in college under a medical major.

With the assistance of the amazing @Jerryzoo  @Cinthel and @Draak I have added in an English translation for you this one time. In future, I ask that you please prepare an English translation first before posting both versions on the forums here. Good luck with your studies.

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What a beautiful story ............ the truth is that I love it, I hope to read more about your stories. THANK  U


Que linda historia............ la verdad es que me encanto , espero leer mas sobre tus histrias


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22 hours ago, Linfanz said:

With the assistance of the amazing @Jerryzoo  @Cinthel and @Draak I have added in an English translation for you this one time. In future, I ask that you please prepare an English translation first before posting both versions on the forums here. Good luck with your studies.

Thank you all i'll just make the corrections to the english translation today or tomorrow

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