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In-Battle Pokedex



Just a simple function, as used in the show.
I had an idea and thought it would be nifty to put a Pokedex icon next to the name of the opponent Poke'mon in battle.
When it's clicked, it'll display/state their name, type and description. This could be done at any point during the battle without taking up your turn.

You could also disable the status effectiveness (super effective, effective, etc.) overlay on the moveset unless the Pokedex has been used on that Pokemon, which it would then become available (because how can you know what it's weak against if you haven't seen it before / registered it in your Pokedex? And if you know what it's weak against then why have the status effectiveness overlay over the attacks enabled by default at all?)

I think this would be useful in helping newer players learn types of Poke'mon and their effectiveness as well, and it would add a sense of engagement by manually adding Pokemon to the Pokedex. However, don't enable all the intricate details (found locations, attack list, evolution, etc) until you catch it.

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Español: El metodo que dices estária bien poner en el juego pero es un metodo muy de Snorlax por al dar le click soble el pokemon desbelas más información de la que puedes tener, lo que somos más vetenanos en el juego ya sabés a cada pokemon su debilidad o punto fuerte creo que nos hara falta ese tipo detalle dentro del juego pero si estária bien colocar para los principiantes pero creo que tener que poner la información sobre las deblidades de ese pokemon o de otros mucho sería un poco Snorlax porque si tienes que poner los 644 pokemon que hay hasta la fechae dentro del juego creo que antes me pego un tiro antes de poner cada detalle sobre el pokemon.


Esto lo que pienso yo sobre lo de el .Atumisk.


Snorlax = Que tiene poca disposición para hacer algo que requiere esfuerzo o constituye una obligación, especialmente trabajar.


I'm using google translator.


English: The method you say would be good to put in the game but it is a very Snorlax method by giving click the pokemon sobles you more information than you can have, what we are more veterans in the game you already know each pokemon its weakness or strong point I think we will need that kind of detail in the game but it would be good to place for beginners but I think that having to put the information on the debuffs of that pokemon or others would be a bit Snorlax because if you have to put the 644 pokemon that is up to date inside the game I think before I shot myself before putting every detail on the pokemon.


This is what I think about the .Atumisk.


Snorlax = That he has little disposition to do something that requires effort or constitutes an obligation, especially to work.

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