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Player Gym-Leaders and PvP Badges

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Each mouth a mono type tournament is held. watch determines who gonna be gym leader of that type gym. have npcs clones made of the winners of the tournament. using same move-pools. you used in the tournament


Players can use the challange these gyms by going upstairs in any pokemon center and be teleported to these gyms and gain pvp badges and ribbons added to your pokemon for beating them.


First Place Winners : Wins Pokemon Dollars, 1 Shiny Pokemon of a Pokemon they used in their team with the same IV/EVs, Plus have NPC Clone of them as a gym-leader of that Gym. with a shiny version of Pokemon in their team. also get name the badge of your gym


Second Place Winners : Wins Poke dollars, also becomes gets a clone of npc of their character that can be challenged in this gym, gets a choice a Pokemon a non-shiny Pokemon from the game with 3 IVs 31 and 3 30 IVs 


Third Place/Fourth/Fiflth place winners - will also have there characters cloned as npcs in this gym. 


also the pokemon used in these gyms be perfect copys of the ones used in tourniments. no means will this be easy



Gym itself is just mini dungeon watch like any other gym run into nothing really too big


PvP Badges - Grant Experience Bonus To those Individual types but not much but useful. Bug badge give more experence per kill if your using a bug type don't exp it be large about or game breaking bonus


Each Mouth cover individual type and reset once a year. when it resets pictures of your characters will appear in hall of fame. 


rules: players who are a gym leader in one gym cant be gym leader of another gym so once you win can enter next so everyone has a chance.






Edited by sakuramyu
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