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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I've never seen your in game and maybe I never will, I still think it I should give you a proper welcome to the game (despite you joining this before I did. And even been the one developing this). I do hope that you get at least some time to enjoy the game if not at Desu, at some alts which will be unnamed (not implying I would know anything about what alts that would be)


Still, if you ever find out you want to take a break from the job you are doing and just come online and ask me about competitive advices (as logn as it isnt about what EVspread to run) You would be free to do so, at Desu or at any alts of your choice (which pretty much mean I would try to be polite and answer to anyone who would have questions in how to find out what they should run). Partly the reason I am so resistant to give a certain EVspread out to players is that I don't believe there is just 1 certain way to do it, partly because if there was such a certain way, I wouldn't know it and partly because if I knew it, I wouldn't like to break a functional metagame among the community by telling how to counter any sets.


Still welcome to the game and I hope you have fun developing it.


P.S. If I am not online, feel free to PM me and I do my best to reply.

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