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  • 2 weeks later...

I must get one, they're cool
Anyway, please!

Pokémon or Link render: Shiny Vaporeon and Shiny Scizor
Background: Yes/No Link. no backgroundpls

ps: animated text

Thank you very much!


I had to buy pc other one because I damage the previous one, sorry for the lateness

Here you go c:


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Hola :3
Name: IJenMD gif plz
Team: Asgard Warriors -  AW
Link:http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/031/0/b/gengar_v2_by_lancermoo-d4o7o48.jpg mira mi firma actual :)
Fondo: parecido al de mi firma actual pero todo con tu talento, que yo no soy para nada habil haciendolo xD


Background: like my current firm but everything with your talent, I'm not at all skillful I doing it xD


Trate de utilizar el render que me pasaste pero la verdad no se veia muy bien, decidi utilizar este porque la verdad es bastante parecido y esta awesome.


Try using the render you gave me but I really did not look very well, I decided to use this because the truth is quite similar and is awesome.

Edited by Xand
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I had to buy pc other one because I damage the previous one, sorry for the lateness

Here you go c:



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