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[Confirmed]"Fancy pants comps." Dueling Contests

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I really do not have any idea how to explain this. I have tried explaining it to Darkshade and people in Bong but i always come across as if I need help with my key stage 1 English. 


So.. This video should explain it (it's taken me 2 weeks to find this... )






- Instead of FIGHT TO THE DEATH! It's who can look the coolest, prettiest and so on with the combo of the move.


- Double battles only with each team only having the 2 Pokemon.


- Both moves played at the same time to turn, say just a fire blast animation into an ice beam fire combo.


- Each player starts a match with 100 points, the way you win is by the combos you do, the better the more time removed from the opposition. 


- 10 minute time limit per battle, the player with most points left. Wins. 


 (i will add more points as i think how how to word it and what you guys may add)

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Rowley, could you please attempt to explain what you're suggesting. Even if it's just in bullet form, as I need to be able to catalogue this in the Table of Contents and it requires a descriptive title as well. I am unable to view the video link you have provided. 

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Rowley, could you please attempt to explain what you're suggesting. Even if it's just in bullet form, as I need to be able to catalogue this in the Table of Contents and it requires a descriptive title as well. I am unable to view the video link you have provided. 






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something like this?






Or something like a Double Battle Contest?



EDIT: Never mind, got it

That video was wonderful. Thank you. I have no idea what was happening but.. Yeah :D 


Think that. With the moves becoming one, but a contest. Not a battle.

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