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Doubt anyone even reads these so don't know why I'm bothering

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HI my name is John and I'm an alcoholic (*room responds with a resounding HI JOHN) - Ok not actually ;p but hey I needed something to break the ice, even though technically I'm not talking to anyone but my computer at the moment, but hey I'm crazy like that :wacko: So I guess this is the point where I tell you all about myself and my whole life's story, but i mean who has time for that, so to keep things relevant - I've been playing pokemon for more years than I could probably count to (which does not necessarily mean much ;P ) but I've always played on emulators so never played against/with anybody else so when I saw this I deigned to sign up even though this will probably chow through the very limited cap I get per month (and yes to all you spoiled brats over seas we have to pay for internet here and its pretty damn expensive) but the game looks pretty awesome so will hopefully be worth it. I don't normally sign up for forums (even if I'm playing the game) but once I started playing pokemmo I realized my child hood game was far more complicated than my little mind could have comprehended with all this talk I see in game of Iv's and Ev's but seeing to the fact I'm FAR too lazy to research it on google I hoped to passively pick things up on the forum. Ok and now that I've wasted all this time speaking complete rubbish (which you unfortunate fools had to read :lol: ), I'm leaving over the floor to you people ....................... But remember i will be watching from the shadows :ph34r: (random I know but how was i supposed to post something without using the :ph34r: icon, that would just have been wrong :o )

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I forced myself to read this whole damn moderately-long introdution just to proove you wrong, even tough you're right... haha! :D
I know that feel dude regarding internet's bills -__-'' I didn't log to the game for weeks now because the game doesn't allow my proxy... blah blah, anyway, I'll just stop talking about myself in your own thread.. :P
Regarding the EVs/IVs/Natures it's the case for everyone I suppose, hehe!
Finally, here is the word you are waiting for so impatiently:
[spoiler]Welcome ~[/spoiler]

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