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¡Gacha System in PokeMMO!



Hola, soy DaBrais y tengo una propuesta MUY interesante para el juego que cambiara el juego a mejor, por eso te pido a TI jugador, que leas lo que traigo hoy para usted. 

Esto es algo que llevo pensando y discutiendo hace mucho con otros jugadores de PokeMMO y NO jugadores de pokeMMO, y todos llegamos a una conclusion ¡ ES BUENA IDEA!, que  cambiara el juego, y por eso es que hoy  (5/29/22)  te vengo a proponer el "Sistema Gacha". 

Si usted no esta al tanto de que es el "Sistema Gacha" te lo explicara muy resumidamente. El Sistema Gacha es un sistema que viene de las maquimas expendedoras de capsulas y juguetes Japonesas, que es similar a una caja de botín, que hara a los jugadores a gastar monedas (En este caso, PokeYenes o RP).

Luego de haber explicado que es el Sistema Gacha de forma breve, te contare cual es a la idea a la que llegamos junto a otros jugadores de PokeMMO y tambien te dire porque es bueno para ti y NECESARIO dentro de este juego que tanto amos.

Empecemos por lo primero, mi idea de Gacha en PokeMMO es la creacion de un Orbe o Cofre, el cual tendra de recompenza: Pokemones Semi-Comps, Pokemons Comps , Shinys Comps , Vanitys , Vanitys EXCLUSIVOS.

Obviamente los probabilidad que te salgan seran dificiles y iran variando segun el objeto y te lo mostrare con la siguente tabla:

-Objetos Randoms [Comunes]

-Objetos de Farmeo [Poco Comunes]

-Semi Comps [Raros]

-Comps [Raros+]

-Shinys [Muy Raros]

-Shinys Raros [Super raros]

-Vanity Exclusivo de tienda RP [Epico]

-Vanity Exlusivo de COFRE [Mitico]

-Pokemon con Habilidad Oculta Espesifico de CAJA [LEGENDARIO]

Si, tal vez te haya volado la cabeza al igual que nosotros este ultimo botin se CAJA, pero es algo MUY posible que se puede implementar junto a el Sistema Gacha, y a continuacion te explicare como.

Esto que ahora parece una locura y un sueño para muchos, pero se puede conseguir de forma muy facil, ya que con una parte de lo que genere el Sistema Gacha (Que no sera poca) se podra financiar el desarrollo y implementacion de Pokemon de Habilidad oculta. Y cada CAJA tendra su pokemon exclusivo con habilidad oculta, ejemplo: Caja de Dragonite. La caja de dragonite tendra como recomenza LEGENDARIA el dragonite con poder oculto. Pero sera muy dificil de sacar y eso hara que el Hype por las cajas suban al igual que las ganancias del Staff. Pero... De que nos sirve que el Staff pueda generar mas ? Si entra mas dinero en PokeMMO los Administradores podran financiar eventos donde se puedan conseguir estas CAJAS para que puedas hacer eventos y tener prosibilidad de ser el afortunado, ademas de hacer que el juego sea mucho mas divertido. 

Otra idea que tengo para los jugadores que no puedan comprar las CAJAS dentro del juego ya sea con Poke Yenes o RP, se podra crear un Daily Login. se luego se haberte conectado X dias seguidos obtendras una CAJA. Esto aparte de darte la oportunidad de ganar ese Pokemon, shany o vanity que tanto quieres, hara que tus amigos que ya no tienen animos de entrar al juego VUELVAN. Y con esta implenetacion de eventos y CAJAS te aseguro que no volveras a pasar un minuto mas de aburrimiento en PokeMMO. 

Gracias por haber leido este articulo y agradeceria todo su apoyo para que esto deje de ser una idea pase a ser una realidad, porque TU te lo mereces , YO me lo merezco y TODOS nos lo merecemos. Comparte este articulo o habla de el con tus amigos para que se haga voz y se pueda hacer realidad.

ESTA NUEVA ERA DEPENDE DE TI ENTRENADOR, todos esperamos tu apoyo en esta nueva etap.





Hello, I'm DaBrais and I have a VERY interesting proposal for the game that will change the game for the better, that's why I ask YOU, the player, to read what I bring today for you.

This is something I've been thinking and discussing for a long time with other PokeMMO players and NON-pokeMMO players, and we all came to a conclusion IT'S A GOOD IDEA!, which will change the game, and that's why today (5/29/22 ) I come to propose the "Gacha System".

If you are not aware of what the "Gacha System" is, I will explain it very briefly. The Gacha System is a system that comes from Japanese toy and capsule vending machines, which is similar to a loot box, which will make players spend coins (In this case, PokeYen or RP).

After having briefly explained what the Gacha System is, I will tell you what the idea is that we came to with other PokeMMO players and I will also tell you why it is good for you and NECESSARY in this game that we love so much.

Let's start with the first, my idea of Gacha in PokeMMO is the creation of an Orb or Chest, which will have as a reward: Pokemon Semi-Comps, Pokemons Comps, Shinys Comps, Vanitys, EXCLUSIVE Vanitys.

Obviously the probability that you get will be difficult and will vary according to the object and I will show it to you with the following table:

-Random objects [Common]

-Farming Items [Uncommon]

-Semi Comps [Rare]

-Comps [Rare+]

-Shinys [Very Rare]

-Shinys Rare [Super rare]

-Vanity RP Shop Exclusive [Epic]

-Vanity Exclusive of CHEST [Mythical]

-Pokemon with Specific Hidden Ability from BOX [LEGENDARY]

Yes, maybe it has blown your mind just like us, this last loot is BOXED, but it is something VERY possible that can be implemented together with the Gacha System, and then I will explain how.

This now seems crazy and a dream for many, but it can be achieved very easily, since with a part of what the Gacha System generates (which will not be little) it will be possible to finance the development and implementation of Skill Pokemon hidden. And each BOX will have its exclusive pokemon with hidden ability, example: Dragonite Box. The dragonite box will have as a LEGENDARY restart the dragonite with hidden power. But it will be very difficult to take out and that will make the Hype for the boxes go up as well as the earnings of the Staff. But... What is the use of the Staff being able to generate more? If more money enters PokeMMO, the Administrators will be able to finance events where these BOXes can be obtained so that you can do events and have the possibility of being the lucky one, in addition to making the game much more fun.

Another idea I have for players who can't buy the BOXes in-game with either Poke Yen or RP is to create a Daily Login. If you have connected for X days in a row, you will get a BOX. This apart from giving you the opportunity to win that Pokemon, shany or vanity that you want so much, it will make your friends who no longer have the courage to enter the game COME BACK. And with this implementation of events and BOXES I assure you that you will never spend another minute of boredom in PokeMMO.

Thank you for reading this article and I would appreciate all your support so that this stops being an idea and becomes a reality, because YOU deserve it, I deserve it and we ALL deserve it. Share this article or talk about it with your friends so that it becomes a voice and can become a reality.


THIS NEW ERA DEPENDS ON YOU TRAINER, we all expect your support in this new stage.


Edited by DaBrais
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Es la peor idea que leí jamás, no tenemos bastante con aguantar la basura de juegos que hay en dispositivos móviles que encima quieres traer a pokemmo esos asquerosos y rastreros sistemas donde las cosas se consiguen en base al azar y pagar dinero en lugar de jugar y tener habilidad, un consejo, nunca jamás te dediques a diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos, es pura basura tu propuesta.


It is the worst idea I have ever read, we do not have enough to put up with the garbage of games that are on mobile devices that on top of that you want to bring to pokemmo those disgusting and creeping systems where things are achieved based on luck and pay money instead of playing and have skill, advice, never ever dedicate yourself to video game design and development, your proposal is pure shit.

Edited by Zrambox
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6 minutes ago, Martirino said:

Sounds like making players burn more real money

Obviously there will be people who spend real money in the boxes, but that benefits the players since part of the money that enters will be used to make events and many other things for the game. Thanks for your opinion^^

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23 minutes ago, DaBrais said:

Obviously there will be people who spend real money in the boxes, but that benefits the players since part of the money that enters will be used to make events and many other things for the game. Thanks for your opinion^^

Yeah your idea sounds good tbh. But proposing it by means of using Real Money doesnt sound good to all players. Maybe better if your Gatcha, can be obtain not buy cash, but buy spending more time in-game, try making it a prize for pvp for example, and other achievements in PokeMMO, a good suggestion but involving real money wont sound good for other players. Just my opinion. But tbh this gatcha system you're proposing is really good, getting items only available in Gatcha. Have a nice day!

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2 minutes ago, Martirino said:

Yeah your idea sounds good tbh. But proposing it by means of using Real Money doesnt sound good to all players. Maybe better if your Gatcha, can be obtain not buy cash, but buy spending more time in-game, try making it a prize for pvp for example, and other achievements in PokeMMO, a good suggestion but involving real money wont sound good for other players. Just my opinion. But tbh this gatcha system you're proposing is really good, getting items only available in Gatcha. Have a nice day!

Yes, the biggest criticism of this proposal is the use of real money, but it is not real money directly. The idea is that it is bought through pvp or won by event. and the good thing about pokemmo that you can get rp without spending real money and that's what most people find difficult to understand. Thank you for commenting respectfully and giving your opinion ^^

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1 hour ago, DaBrais said:

Yes, the biggest criticism of this proposal is the use of real money, but it is not real money directly. The idea is that it is bought through pvp or won by event. and the good thing about pokemmo that you can get rp without spending real money and that's what most people find difficult to understand. Thank you for commenting respectfully and giving your opinion ^^

Now thats more like it!!! Lets get this Gatcha done!

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4 hours ago, DaBrais said:

No es un sistema Pay2Win, ya que dentro de pokemmo hay formas de farmeo con las cuales de pueden comprar RP de forma todalmente GRATUITA. Ademas de que dentro da la propuesta que di tambien propongo que haya una recompensa por iniciar sesion, la cual dara de forma gratiuita una CAJA a los jugadores. Lo cual los ayudara a conseguir dinero mas facil en el juego dependiendo de su suerte. Gracias por tu comentario !

Quizás no me he explicado correctamente, no digo que sea un mal sistema por ser pay2win, es un mal sistema porque no aporta literalmente nada a la diversión y jugabilidad, al contrario, al contener Pokémon competitivos y shinys en las cajas haría que la gente jugase menos al juego para conseguir estás recompensas por sus propios medios, y jugar por ti mismo siempre será más divertido que abrir una maldita caja que salió de ninguna parte, como lo que pasa con las recompensas por login diario, es una recompensa a cambio de hacer nada, lo que este juego necesita son sistemas que incentiven a los jugadores a jugar y divertirse de más y diferentes formas, no algo que es todo lo contrario, entrar al juego, recoger la recompensa e irte porque mediante el sistema de cajas de botín ya obtienes todo lo interesante que el juego tiene que ofrecerte sin necesidad de jugar a este mismo. Además el juego ya cuenta con un sistema gacha, y esto son las cajas de los eventos de Halloween, navidad y año nuevo, las cuales si son aceptables y hacen bien las cosas puesto que para conseguirlas necesitas jugar al evento, que es de lo que se trata todo esto, de JUGAR y DIVERTIRTE y además solo contienen cosméticos de ropa exclusivos del evento, nada de competitivos o shinys como propones tú, ya que estos son literalmente el único incentivo actual que presenta jugar al juego convencional fuera de época de eventos. En resumen, el juego necesita más modos jugables y más tipos de recompensas diferentes a las presentes actualmente para incentivar a los jugadores a conseguirlas y mantenerse ocupados, por lo que un modo que sin tener que jugar recompense a los jugadores otorgándoles los únicos objetivos que tiene el juego actualmente para motivar a la gente a seguir jugando es literalmente lo opuesto a lo que el juego necesita.


Maybe I haven't explained myself correctly, I'm not saying it's a bad system because it's pay2win, it's a bad system because it doesn't add literally anything to the fun and gameplay, on the contrary, by containing competitive and shiny Pokémon in the boxes it would make people play less to the game to get these rewards on their own, and playing for yourself will always be more fun than opening a damn box that came out of nowhere, like what happens with daily login rewards, it's a reward in exchange for doing nothing, what this game needs are systems that encourage players to play and have fun in more and different ways, not something that is the opposite, enter the game, get the reward and leave because through the loot box system you get everything interesting the game has to offer without actually playing the game itself. In addition, the game already has a gacha system, and these are the boxes of the Halloween, Christmas and New Year events, which are acceptable and do things well since to get them you need to play the event, which is what it's all about PLAYING and HAVING FUN and also they only contain exclusive clothing cosmetics for the event, nothing competitive or shiny as you propose, since these are literally the only current incentive that playing the conventional game presents outside of event season. In short, the game needs more playable modes and more different types of rewards than are currently present to incentivize players to get them and stay busy, so a mode that rewards players without having to play by giving them the only goals the game has currently to motivate people to keep playing is literally the opposite of what the game needs.


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43 minutes ago, GodofKawaii said:

dam the genshin whales must already be spent for the next couple 5 star C6 characters and weapon banners to need to decide to come here and suggest this, we get it 2.7 is taking a long time.

I don't know what to answer you specifically since I don't play genshi. but i will just say that genshi has 10 million daily players and has generated more than 2 billion dollars in 1 year. Greetings and have a nice day ^^

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9 hours ago, DaBrais said:

Hello, I'm DaBrais and I have a VERY interesting proposal for the game that will change the game for the better, that's why I ask YOU, the player, to read what I bring today for you. 

This is something I've been thinking and discussing for a long time with other PokeMMO players and NOT PokeMMO players, and we all came to a conclusion IT'S A GOOD IDEA!, that will change the game, and that's why today (5/29/22 ) I come to propose the "Gacha System". 

If you are not aware of what the "Gacha System" is, I will explain it very briefly. The Gacha System is a system that comes from Japanese toy and capsule vending machines, which is similar to a loot box, which will make players spend coins (In this case, PokeYen or RP).

After having briefly explained what the Gacha System is, I will tell you what the idea is that we came to with other PokeMMO players and I will also tell you why it is good for you and NECESSARY in this game that we love so much.

Let's start with the first, my idea of Gacha in PokeMMO is the creation of an Orb or Chest, which will have as a reward: Pokemon Semi-Comps, Pokemons Comps, Shinys Comps, Vanitys, EXCLUSIVE Vanitys.

Obviously the probability that you get will be difficult and will vary depending on the object and I will show you with the following table:

-Random objects [Common]

-Farming Items [Uncommon]

-Semi Comps [Raros]

-Comps [Raros+]

-Shinys [Very Rare]

-Rare Shinys [Super Rare]

-Vanity RP Shop Exclusive [Epic]

-Vanity Exlusivo de COFRE [Mythical]

-Pokemon with Specific Hidden Ability from BOX [LEGENDARY]

Yes, maybe it has blown your mind just like us, this last loot is BOXED, but it is something VERY possible that can be implemented together with the Gacha System, and then I will explain how.

This now seems crazy and a dream for many, but it can be achieved very easily, since with a part of what the Gacha System generates (which will not be little) it will be possible to finance the development and implementation of Skill Pokemon hidden. And each BOX will have its exclusive pokemon with hidden ability, example: Dragonite Box. The dragonite box will have as a LEGENDARY restart the dragonite with hidden power. But it will be very difficult to take out and that will make the Hype for the boxes go up as well as the earnings of the Staff. But... What is the use of the Staff being able to generate more? If more money enters PokeMMO, the Administrators will be able to finance events where these BOXes can be obtained so that you can do events and have the possibility of being the lucky one, in addition to making the game much more fun. 

Another idea I have for players who can't buy the BOXes in-game with either Poke Yen or RP is to create a Daily Login. If you have connected for X days in a row, you will get a BOX. This apart from giving you the opportunity to win that Pokemon, shany or vanity that you want so much, it will make your friends who no longer have the courage to enter the game COME BACK. And with this implementation of events and BOXES I assure you that you will never spend another minute of boredom in PokeMMO. 

Thank you for reading this article and I would appreciate all your support so that this stops being an idea and becomes a reality, because YOU deserve it, I deserve it and we ALL deserve it. Share this article or talk about it with your friends so that it becomes a voice and can become a reality.

THIS NEW ERA DEPENDS ON YOU TRAINER, we all expect your support in this new stage.


My only guess that this is bait, I refuse to believe anyone would go for this. Perhaps it's sarcasm that doesn't translate well into english.

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Entiendo las opiniones de los jugadores que comentaron aquí. Para mí, eso sería como pagar para ganar, básicamente se renunciaría a la habilidad del jugador, para  gastar mucho dinero en su propio beneficio, lo cual no está nada mal, pero ¿qué pasa con los jugadores que no tienen el mismo cantidad de tiempo disponible para jugar? ¿que pasaría con lo jugadores que no tienen tiempo para conseguir monedas? ¿Y qué pasará con los jugadores que no tienen forma de pagar por una ganancia?


I understand the opinions of the players who commented here. To me that would feel like pay-to-win, you'd basically give up the ability in game to spend a lot of money for your own benefit, which isn't bad at all, but what about players who don't have the same amount of time available to play? get coins? And what about the players who have no way to pay for a profit?

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Hello everyone. Please remember to add an English translation to your forum posts as that is part of the rules. Thank you. 


Hola a todos. Por favor, recordad añadir una traducción al inglés en vuestros mensajes del foro, ya que forma parte de las normas. Gracias.

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6 hours ago, DaBrais said:

10 million daily players and has generated more than 2 billion dollars in 1 year.

And Justin Bieber is one of the most successful musicians. Wont necessarily mean that its good music.


And gacha is the exact same example kinda, especialy genshin.

Edited by Johnwaynee
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if implementing gatcha at least half of the players would lefter to migrate to a non-gatcha game (and they would do well) this would affect the GTL, the pvp (tournaments etc) and the whole game in general, allocating pokemmo to close after a few years due to lack of users.

So for me it's a big NO

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6 hours ago, Edwardinho said:

Entiendo las opiniones de los jugadores que comentaron aquí. Para mí, eso sería como pagar para ganar, básicamente se renunciaría a la habilidad del jugador, para  gastar mucho dinero en su propio beneficio, lo cual no está nada mal, pero ¿qué pasa con los jugadores que no tienen el mismo cantidad de tiempo disponible para jugar? ¿que pasaría con lo jugadores que no tienen tiempo para conseguir monedas? ¿Y qué pasará con los jugadores que no tienen forma de pagar por una ganancia?


I understand the opinions of the players who commented here. To me that would feel like pay-to-win, you'd basically give up the ability in game to spend a lot of money for your own benefit, which isn't bad at all, but what about players who don't have the same amount of time available to play? get coins? And what about the players who have no way to pay for a profit?

Hola Edward, gracias por tu tiempo, se valora. Ese punto que comentas es el unico y mas criticado de la propuesta. Pero como ya mencione, los jugadores que no quieren o no pueden permitirse el lujo de ingrasar dinero al juego tienen la opcion de ganar las mencionadas CAJAS en un Daily Login (Que aparte de incentivar a los jugadores a entrar al juego), tambien le dara la oportunidad de conseguir CAJA. Tambien otra cosa que propuse dentro del este mismo hilo, fue el crear mini juegos que tendran x% de que te salga una CAJA al realizar exitosamente el mini evento, tambien otra idea que tuve fue la de crear eventos (Mas dificiles y complejos) pero menos frecuentes que tendran un mayor probablilidad que te drope una CAJA. Estos eventos se financiaran con parte del dinero de los jugadores que compraron cajas por dinero real. Ademas cave recalcar que mi idea de CAJAS se compraran con RP en tienda (aparte de las otras formas ya mencionadas), y esta mas que claro que dentro del juego el RP se puede conseguir con Poke Monedas, y eso tambien hara que el farmeo sea mas gratificante para los jugadores que ya no saben que hacer con su dinero. Ya que un gran problema de este juego es que luego de tener mucho dinero en el juego solo te queda comprar vanitys y esperar en carmin hasta que su precio suba XD. Pero con este metodo gacha hara que los que tienen mucho dinero en el juego gasten su dinero del juego, y lo mas interesante es que NO ASEGURA NADA, que le metas 100m en caja no asegura que te salga el Pokemon o Vanity Exclusivo que buscas. Gracias por leer y tomarte tu tiempo de contra proponer o disolver tus dudas ^^


Hi Edward, thanks for your time, it is appreciated. That point you mention is the only and most criticized of the proposal. But as I already mentioned, players who don't want or can't afford to put money into the game have the option to win the aforementioned BOXES in a Daily Login (which apart from incentivizing players to enter the game), will also give you the opportunity to get BOX. Also another thing that I proposed within this same thread, was to create mini games that will have x% that you get a BOX when successfully performing the mini event, also another idea that I had was to create events (More difficult and complex) but Less frequent they will have a higher chance of dropping you a BOX. These events will be financed with part of the money of the players who bought boxes for real money. Also, it should be emphasized that my idea of BOXES will be bought with RP in the store (apart from the other ways already mentioned), and it is more than clear that within the game RP can be obtained with Poke Coins, and that will also make farming easier. more rewarding for players who no longer know what to do with their money. Since a big problem with this game is that after having a lot of money in the game, you only have to buy vanitys and wait in carmine until its price goes up XD. But with this gacha method it will make those who have a lot of money in the game spend their game money, and the most interesting thing is that it DOES NOT ENSURE ANYTHING, that you put 100m in the box does not guarantee that you will get the Exclusive Pokemon or Vanity that you are looking for. Thank you for reading and taking your time to counter-propose or resolve your doubts ^^

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5 hours ago, Seth said:

Hello everyone. Please remember to add an English translation to your forum posts as that is part of the rules. Thank you. 


Hola a todos. Por favor, recordad añadir una traducción al inglés en vuestros mensajes del foro, ya que forma parte de las normas. Gracias.

ok ^^


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36 minutes ago, druido890 said:

if implementing gatcha at least half of the players would lefter to migrate to a non-gatcha game (and they would do well) this would affect the GTL, the pvp (tournaments etc) and the whole game in general, allocating pokemmo to close after a few years due to lack of users.

So for me it's a big NO

I understand and respect your opinion and I assure you that we have already taken it into account, it will clearly change the GTL, but remember that pokemmo veterans only see the game as a chat simulator, since they have nothing else to do, they only It remains to buy vanitys x50 or more. and you think that does not affect the gtl? Doesn't it affect new players? What I'm looking to do with this new system is give people something to do within the game. And if you didn't realize the pvp has a terrible match making, the events are delayed or do not reach the expectations of the most experienced players. and all this due to lack of staff resources to pay someone who does a decent job, we need people who earn a living working on the game and the only way to finance quality designers, developers, marketing, moderators, is paying them a salary. Greetings have a nice day ^^

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5 hours ago, Johnwaynee said:

And Justin Bieber is one of the most successful musicians. Wont necessarily mean that its good music.


And gacha is the exact same example kinda, especialy genshin.

music is relative, there is no good or bad music. Also, it seems to me that your comment does not contribute anything to the project, I would appreciate it if you put something intelligent or productive for the community. have a nice day ^^

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6 hours ago, BrokenJoker said:

Imagine spending $20 - $15 on rps only to get 20 pointed hats and burn heals.



Keep in mind that you did not lose, a % of the money you used in that gacha will be used to finance the event that you will play to recover what you lost and have fun with your friends. Have a nice day and thanks for commenting ^^

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Isnt adding more luck and lootboxes or any other cripling gambling mechanic to a game (especially in pokemon XD) considered trademark bad design ? Especially if the things being added will directly affect pokemmo existing mechanics such as the economy for items and competitive pvp, certain things intrinsec value will change. Theres already enough luck in the game as it is, I mean the shiny rate is 1/30k, hunting for rare breeds with several 31's, luck based effects in pvp. I feel like this is generic post about newer player saying "I want shiny comp metagross, giff shiny comp metagross ples" since they dont have the patience for the grind.

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