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关于普通精灵的初训家问题 Questions about the initial trainer

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Questions about the initial trainer for non-flash pokemon.

我是宝可梦的忠实粉丝,00后,宝可梦就是我的童年,从08年到现在21岁一直都很热爱,而对mmo我也是非常热爱,从19年被朋友带入坑,一直游玩到了现在,从高中到大学,一直陪伴着我成长,我对于mmo的乐趣在于孵化做高v pokemon,以下图片是三年来的乐趣——我自己做的差不多半箱5v对性格宝可梦。

I am a loyal fan of Pokemon, after 00, Pokemon is my childhood, from 08 to now 21 years old love, and I am very love mmo, from 19 years by friends into the pit, play to now, from high school to college, has been with me to grow, my fun for mmo is the incubation do high v pokemon, following picture is three years fun —— I do almost half box of 5v of character Pokemon.


The Pokemon used to be engraved, because they just started to play and they could not make them so they received the engraved name. In order to make all the finished Pokemon exactly the same, then all Pokemon were deliberately incubated out with *, and the initial trainer name was unified.


Now Pokemon, the initial trainer as long as the initial trainer name don't take *, and I have collected before, before made Pokemon training name or take *, this is too unfair to old players, now with * Pokemon, did so many 5v6v initial trainer name is not so easy to change, part of the spirit trainer * some spirit trainer do not take *, too uncomfortable.


I think should't because the old players play early, so treat new players old players, if now map green, the original trainer name will not take *, so the old players should enjoy the same treatment, before the map green also trainer name does not take *, solution can two players exchange Pokemon, in back to see map for green is eliminate *, or map for green is old spirit * also disappeared, although this is details, but really make people uncomfortable, let people feel unfair, is also a problem bug is not? The problem, if fixed, may also move many old players with OCD.


This is a feedback from an old player who loves Pokemon and mmo, although it looks a small problem, but he still wants to receive feedback and attention from administrators and officials to solve the vulnerability in the game,Build a better and more complete game world.


Finally, I wish mmo better and better, the staff and players good health, happiness and health.




Edited by 18918428141
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So if the moderator greatly changed the name with the renaming card, would the original trainer name of the previous green map of Pokemon be changed to the newly changed name, and if it would also bring *?


Is there any hope to fix fix in future updates?

Edited by 18918428141
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于2021/7/25 AM10点05分,18918428141 说:


So if the moderator greatly changed the name with the renaming card, would the original trainer name of the previous green map of Pokemon be changed to the newly changed name, and if it would also bring *?

假设你现在id是 A, 精灵OT是 A*


你改了id,变成B,精灵OT 有2个情况,

A 会变成 B

A*会变成 A


会把A 当成另一个训练家名字。




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