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Can't get Rayquaza

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Hi everyone one, i would like to know why i can not capture Rayquaza, I have won the pokemon league and, when I'm in front of Rayquaza at Celestial pillar, there it pops me a message saying: "This function is not implemented yet" and I would like to know if there ir any problems with my ROMS or what can i do to solve this. 
Thank you all very much.


Hola a todos, me gustaría saber por que no puedo capturar a Rayquaza, ya pasé la Liga pokemón y cuando me lo encuentro en el pilar celeste, al intentar enfrentarlo me sale un mensaje diciendo "Esta función aun no está implementada" me gustaría saber si es problema de mis ROMS o qué tengo que hacer para solucionarlo.

Muchísimas gracias.

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Rayquaza can be found in Sky Pillar in Hoenn, but if it's not there it's because it has been caught by someone else and you will need to battle and win against other players to claim it.


This means that other players can also battle you once you're the owner.


It applies to the other legendries as well including Mewtwo, Keldeo and Arceus.

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