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Despair at Shiny Hunt

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Okay, I've been hunting a brilliant pokemon for a week, I have 200 hours of game time and I didn't find a single brilliant pokemon, it's really hard to get one.
As I said before for a week with 2 hours a day calling hordes of gloom but nothing shiny.
I would like some tips please. I was more desperate when a guy on my team said that after 30 hours of play
I had found 2 shinys and one of them was at the beginning with less than an hour of play.

Note: I used the google translator

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As somebody who has several shinies, best advice i can give is to use donator for the extra 10% chance, and just keep the grind. usually takes me somewhere near 10-14 thousand encounters to get a shiny. sometimes less, sometimes more. You just have to keep trying.

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3 minutes ago, lordhyra said:

Como alguém que tem vários brilhos, o melhor conselho que posso dar é usar doador para ter 10% de chance extra e apenas manter o ritmo. geralmente me leva em algum lugar perto de 10-14 mil encontros para obter um brilho. às vezes menos, às vezes mais. Você apenas tem que continuar tentando.

Thank you, Arceus protect you

Note : Translator

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Hi there, like anything gated by RNG, shinies are not guaranteed after any amount of time. I spent 40 hours encountering hordes before I found my shiny Vulpix. You should measure your shiny hunt not in hours spent but in encounters; statistically, you only have about 63% probability to hit your shiny after 30,000 encounters (ref

This means for hordes that after spending 3k leppa berries on sweet scent, you have about a 3/5 chance of having already hit your shiny. That means that 2/5 of the time you can spend 3k leppas and not get a shiny! In fact again per the table in the link, you can spend 6k leppas to get 60k encounters and still have a 15% or so chance of not having encountered your shiny yet (almost 1/6 of the times you hunt for a shiny!).


If you already have 2 shinies, it seems that you have gotten quite lucky already. Unfortunately like any form of "gambling" on rough odds, the more you roll, the more likely you are to encounter a rough streak. There are no tactics or shortcuts; all you can do is be patient and remember: Shiny rate is fair.


Hope this helps!

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Best advice I can possibly give you is to pay attention to each horde that pops up, but shiny hunt while you're doing something else and have the area be easy to access that way you can use the Pokemon center to refill the PPs of Sweet Scent and go back to the horde grass patch.

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