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como muchos ya sabran las gemas misteriosas sirven para cambiar el poder oculto de un pokemon , y queria saber en donde puedo conseguirlas si tener que recurir a la gtl 


As many will already know, the mysterious gems serve to change the hidden power of a pokemon, and I wanted to know where I can get them without having to resort to the gtl

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You obtain the Mysterious Gem item from encountering phenomena Pokémon in the wild. In short, a phenomena is where you can encounter certain Pokémon from stepping on bubbling water/rustling grass/shadows/dust clouds in the Unova region. You can get more information about their possible locations from the following guide:

They appear in a random location for 10 minutes before disappearing again - and after 5 minutes, they will appear in a random location again. There are two phenomenas appearing per time in the Unova region.


These phenomenas are usually called via the Global chat - but you can also use this guide: 



I hope this answers your question. Have a nice day.

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