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¿Puedo se multicuenta? // Can I multi-account?

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Hola, quisiera saber si es legal el uso de 2 cuentas a la vez (una en pc y otra en móvil) puesto que he creado una cuenta y me ha salido que he sido baneado por 2 días al parecer porque inflijo la conducta de compartir cuentas.


¿Puedo apelar a este baneo? la cuenta igual es totalmente nueva.


Me gustaría una respuesta rápida por parte de moderadores o soporte si lo hay. ^^



Hello, I would like to know if it is legal to use 2 accounts at the same time (one on PC and one on mobile) since I have created an account and it has come out that I have been banned for 2 days apparently because I inflict the behavior of sharing accounts .


Can I appeal this ban? the account is still brand new.


I would like a quick response from moderators or support if there is one. ^^

Edited by lZakyl
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You were banned for sharing your account, you gave your account to a friend in order to get stuff done in it; needless to say, according to our rules only the owner is meant to use the account. You were not banned for "multiboxing" nor using multiple accounts.


Do not share your account in the future. 

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