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I've been away from the game for quite some time and was looking to get back into it; breeding and all that. 


I recall there being a "Round Table" of some sort and I can't seem to find it as I was looking to find a team to join to get a grasp of things again. So I was wondering where would the best place to look for a team for PokeMMO be?




ps; my previous name on this game was Kinker as well as a variety of others and was hoping I'd find someone I knew from before.

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4 minutes ago, FighterChamp said:

Hi Itty,

Welcome Back.

Enjoy Your Stay.

Find A Team Which You Like and Then just join...



So for the team joining, is it as easy as clicking the join club button when on the club screen? Also, is it still possible to join teams in game where you can talk to your teammates in the team chat?

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3 hours ago, Itty said:


So for the team joining, is it as easy as clicking the join club button when on the club screen? Also, is it still possible to join teams in game where you can talk to your teammates in the team chat?

Hello! Firstly welcome back, 

i will give you a list of teams that I think are highly respected & useful. 
if you’re looking for a shiny hunting team, i would suggest koles team Zomb

after a comp team and probably one of the biggest I’d go with Lava. 
and last but not least, Optic for a mixed team. ^^

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