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Hello, I want to appeal to the prohibition of a partner of mine.


My name is hasseo in game.

I would like you to eliminate the unfair prohibition imposed on you.
It was banned after trading approximately 72m + Vanity items
to his brother "Reason for the RMT ban" = real money transaction. 
the accounts that were used in the transaction were connected from the same ip and, despite this, banned it for a totally irrational reason.

In no section of the forum does it say that it is illegal to do what one wishes with the money or the items obtained by own effort, and despite this I know more than one case of Ban by RMT in similar situations.

I understand your concern and the need to want to control everything in the game because I am also an online game manager
"Also not to lose money, but sometimes these concerns lead to totally harmful measures for both its users and the game, you can ban your users for believing that they made RMT, but you will never know if that was really the reason and it's totally unfair. "

They should worry more about the value that their users have and show that despite having the power and a huge number of users, each of them cares and tries to make a better place for all of these.

Since on top of that they provide Ban without a proven reason, only based on assumptions one then has to appeal for their ban and wait for a totally exaggerated time for a member of their staff to respond, which it seems to me that you as administrators should remunerate Users damaged by such measures.

I don't want to generate a fuss, nor do I have problems with his game, on the contrary.
  But this measure is exceeded to any extent and nobody responds, we just want to know how this measure was reached and we want to see the evidence for the measures taken, since the user they were banned was an active donor, who canceled their Ticket of payment after learning that trading money legally and freely contracted a ban

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