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Everything posted by ThePrettyPetard

  1. perhaps what need to be changed is the way staff are handled to allow them to handle various situation in a better way. i have an idea on how to change things but it might be not perfectly accurate becaus for some reason the staff is very secretive about their power and task most of the time. i have 3 main change that could potentially make the life of everyone better: more staff with less "working hours" more specialization in the staff more or total transparancy for the staff team i think the "more staff" part explain itself fairly well so i will only elaborate on the "working hours". from what i learned from a discussion i had with bear it appears to not be allowed to join the staff team using an alt meaning that you have to use your main character to now have at all time the "cop uniform". despite this being a game ,being a figure of autority must put some pressure on people has well has tying their hand to some extend wich isn't an issue once in a while but it can add up when you can't take your uniform off. becaus of that someone in the staff team can no longer enjoy the game they love the same way, even if they are still able to enjoy the game if they use an alt it's not the same. on the other hand if they have an incogito alt who is staff they remain able to both help the community and enjoy the game when ever they are feeling like doing one or the other. the more specialization idea would be to have more people like the tier council but for other thing like someone who could be in charge of the economy or at least be aware and allowed to talk about it to some extend. from what you said so far it seems like you (and potentially other devs) are the only one aware of anything related to the economy. this means that you are the only one able to anwser question about all this stuff wich i don't belive you should becaus you allready have another specialization and can't nescesairly have always time to anwser us (unless i am wrong becaus you aren't a dev for some reason). another specialization could be for those (or the one) in charge of event prize. the point for more transparancy is quite simple, if there is no reason to hide something from us then hang it on a wall somewhere for all of us to see and if there is a reson to hide it then give us a reason. it could be something has simple has safety reason or leagal reason. things like the GMs being completly in charge of the event prize is something i am sure a lot of us if not all where not aware at all becaus from a player point of view they seems to only host the event and not much else beside that for the events. all of this wouldn't cost that much in the long run but it would most likely improve the moral of both the community and staff team as well has potentially improving the quality of the staff without needing saint that would be able to take shit all day everyday. also a community more informed might also be able to help better. ps: well that was a bit of a stretch to put it here since this could be a suggestion in itself but fuck it it's allready all writen here so yall be getting it
  2. nintendo i known to do weird stuff once in a while but they act like hipster who reject mainstream idea so i guess there isn't much issue they make one pretty sure kyu said the game is no longer an alpha but in an epsilon state but i doubt the state of the game would change anything from a leagal standpoint considering this game is nothing but a frame programed to work with some pokemon game (something that isn't illeagal to do)
  3. seems like you are the only one left doing ev training with an amnesia brace so let's begin the game of finding each other.
  4. Dibz doesn't get a penny from donations btw, only the devs do
  5. i hope for you that you have a good way to use the chat
  6. I would assume the same but it's just annoying if it is the case
  7. Why is that even a thing that you cannot trade pokemon with stored exp.?
  8. mind if i ask for a reminder for this event the day before? sounds like a fun one i don't want to miss
  9. I see the mayor has power people have been asking for it since unova was lauched and then the mayor does it and gets it within a week. Make him ask for more stuff!
  10. it's even more depresing when you learn there is a bug that can rob you of 3 lucky red envelope if your partner die in the fight even if you finish it
  11. both of the nido line spawn with the rabbit round (never seen their first evo tho)
  12. pretty sure it's only what pokemon the other have and not the full moveset and stats
  13. you know what they say about drug? winner don't do drug! exept steroid, in wich case use a lot of drug.
  14. only big name gets to speak in global and to be big you have to be on the forum :P
  15. you got a point there those pesky devs are really bad with their timing :P
  16. wasn't 2012 only kanto? pretty sure those message are only in hoenn
  17. isn't that allready passed tho?
  18. i know it won't be the dungeon it's too soon for that i feel
  19. might just be an old piece of troll left there then
  20. i should have guesssed that one tho it's quite a long downtime for only vanity
  21. that shit was there since at least last year tho
  22. I just did an unova run with a monotype normal team and only had to train for the e4 and even then i feel like I didn't need it that much beside that i was lacking 2 pokemon to have a full team at that point. My best tip for those struggling with lvling up their mon is to not lvl up a full team when they don't need to because it willbe much faster to do it later when they are actually needed.
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