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Everything posted by ThePrettyPetard

  1. I would imagine more like a hundred people faffing abouts in multiple channel actually. The idea remains pretty dope if we got mini game in there.
  2. If they also had the underground part of sinnoh it could be fairly dope with the large player base here
  3. Special mean it's a case by case type of thing. You should be able to get a good anwser fairly quickly in the in game chat if you ask for a specific pokemon with a special encounter type
  4. there is a chance those will come back one day though since they are only from an event. okay a fairly low chance but still a chance.
  5. i wouldn't say it is an outright error but rather something that was left vague enough that it could have easily led to further missunderstanding of the mechanics who are you and how did you managed to become staff with that attitude??? (messae for higher ranking staff please don't kill this one we need more people with that attitude (especially higher on the hierarchy))
  6. Justifying your negativity with working experience is a bit weak in my opinion since it base your whole way of thinking and doing things around what you see others do instead of thinking for yourself. I am sure you could agree with me that the human specie can be quite stupid. They will remain stupid until someone starts to think by himself and open to other opinion and start changing the way it should be done. We are far from perfect but we can always improve if we open up to other opinion and have a little hope. You and the rest of society don't really gain anything positive from crushing the hopes of people. so why are you doing it? (Just in case you want to put everything i said on ignorance because "i never worked before" I'll just say that in my near 7 years i spent working in many places with many different people i have seen what you are alluding to and why it happens and it is far from a good argument as to why you should stay this way) Now for your argument of if you aren't happy make your own. No one is skilled to do everything but it doesn't mean that because someone can't code game for shit that they are shit at everything involving game and that their argument shouldn't be considered in the slightest "because they aren't the center of the world". You aren't the center of the world either and no one is truly. That only brings me back to ask why do you want to be so negative and tell people to leave when you and the rest of the game could have more to gain from still having them? your argument about only a few people complaining making the whole thing irrelevant is a bit stupid in my opinion because of all those silent one i don't see that many going really against those voicing theirs. You have to make the difference between someone neutral and someone who has a clear position not to mention those who have positions only slightly against it that only want a middle ground. If your understanding is limited to if you aren't with us you are against us then perhaps you need to learn a bit more about the world because there is many more possibilities for positions. Just because the masses are fine doesn't mean they cannot feel better and this may simply be what people are asking if you think about it. It seems you have a problem wrapping your head around the concept of there being more than 2 positions in total about something because you don't seem to understand that people can both love the game and hate something from the game at the same time. I'll give you an example to help you understand. lets say the amount of love for something is represented by a number from 1 to 10 and the hate by -1 to -10, with 0 being neutral. The people you tell to quit may have been 9 before the update but now they are 7 or 8 and voice their opinion has to why they lowered their opinion and potentially how to change it but then a smart ass cames and tells them that if they aren't happy they should quit wich pretty much everyone would say is obvious yet the smart ass keeps coming back and telling that to many more people and only hurt the more sensitive one. Can you really say it has any legitimate use that justify what you are doing? just in case the snowflake part was potentially directed at me don't worry you are most likely far closer to qualify has a snowflake than me. I have simply the ability of thinking from many angles considering factors that don't influence me and/or that may affect others differently.
  7. https://calc.pokemonshowdown.com this website lets you change pretty much everything you want so have some fun checking out what ever you want to see it's a good thing to learn how to use it
  8. actually you are wrong there to some degree. all the pokemon in a breed but 1 can be from random OT (unless it has changed since i left a few months ago). the only pokemon that need to be your OT to not have the * is your main breed aka the race of pokemon you want at the end it is often wrongfully refered to has the main female. in most case it is more usefull to have an OT female that will remain a female until the end but you can also use a male of that specie with your OT if you use ditto for a part of if not all the breeding process ( i have never checked what would happen if you breed a male and female of the same race if the female isn't your OT though so watch out for that just in case).@r52
  9. the popular belief won't change anytime soon if the whole staff team keep acting like everything they do is top secret. i would agree with you that the staff isn't twirling their thumb on who is going to be muted but from experience and tale of people it sure seems like staff twirl their thumbs a lot when it come to decide if something is mute/ban worthy usualy ending in a fuck it just mute him. the best example of this being "removed" saying that alone is considered inapropriate enough to be worth a mute/ban out of nowhere (don't remeber wich one i got for that). this instance alone is enough to make me seriously question if the staff even knows why they are moderating. if they do know they aren't interested in letting people know in detail. i am not saying all my mute wheren't deserved but some are just plain stupid and you never get any appologies if you get fucked over by staff incompetence, heck it's hard to make any of them even aknowledge it. nope i quit not long after i received a 3 day ban and had my ban appeal have most of it's content either ignored or given so little time to read that i was given a generic anwser that didn't help me in the slightest. i now just roam on the forum once in a while to see if anything changed in hope that maybe one day i will be able to come back to the game without the fear of being banned if i don't hide in a team. true my example is very extreme but so is suggesting people to outright quit. i'll make a better example of the similarity. what if you are unhappy with change your government does/want to make? you complain and spread your opinion like someone civilized becaus you care about what will happen. now what if you are unhappy with change being made to something you love and care about like this game? you complain and spread your opinion like someone civilized becaus you care about what will happen. yet for some reason you think it is okay to tell someone that their opinion isn't important and that they should just quit? that seems similar to saying they should kill themself becaus their opinion about the government isn't important. do you think it make sense to have a comparison with something you don't hate from the start and something that you used to love but is being changed into something you are starting to dislike? if you don't mind i will modify your comparison a little to make it fit better on the context. you have the choice of eating pastry from company A, company B and company C you decide to eat company C's pastry becaus they are the only one offering muffins and you love them. but then company C decides to change the time their bake their muffins to make less moist becaus they will last longer on the shelf but you liked the moist muffins better so you complain to the company on their twiter/facebook that you don't like the change and would love to get the old muffin back. then someone comes to comment that if you don't like the muffins there is other pastry company out there and you should stop buying company C's muffin if you don't like them without considering that you still love the muffin and only want them to be better like they used to becaus the alternative aren't has good. if you have any reason to comment to quit eating the muffin someone loves is of any use considering that the other pastry brand are well know feel free to share it with me becaus i don't see any beside personal satisfaction from kicking someone you belive is weak and beliving you are helping by stating something so obvious in such a rude way that even the most open mind will have a hard time beliving you are anything else than an ignorant and/or an asshole. despite that it may be enjoyable to make fun of the ignorant, it is a pleasure stolen from someone and i do not wish to do it becaus everyone is ignorant about many things (myself included). if we help each other instead of fighting many beautiful things can happen or has the old saying goes: treat others the way you want to be treated.
  10. I lost the comment of whoever talked about no longer being able to be laid back and having fun in chat while using amulet coin but it seems like the whole staff doesn't actually want anyone to have anything near fun in chat anymore. Mutes and ban where raining down before i left and the staff refused to actually comment on any of them publicly when there was the slightest wrong on their part and it doesn't seem to be going to change anytime soon. @razimove despite that i see your point in telling people to just quit if they aren't happy with the status of the game i can't agree that it is a good thing to do because of how similar it is with kill yourself if you aren't happy with life. Could you really say say that the second one is a good thing to do? on topic now. It's funny to see how they could have avoided most if not all the backlash from the item change if instead of an outright change they only added the option of consuming the item while making the 2 version not stack with each other. Since some of those item would still be destroyed it would have still achieved what they wanted while not pissing off a good chunk of player. If anybody got a serious downside to this way of doing things i would be more than interested to know it.
  11. @FTR just want to say that kyu did mention the lucky egg change once way back in a random thread in general discussion with the biggest place where it was written was in an unofficial upcoming update that is probably quite buried by now. All of it was in general discussion and fairly easy to miss if you didn't pay close attention. But the moment kyu said he wanted to make lucky egg consumeable the market crashed hard but it went back up when everybody forgot about it.
  12. You don't need the rom if you don't come back to actually play :p
  13. Glad to see there are still people able to consider things from every angle. I wish the devs could have opinions like this for everything they consider about doing and have more the player in mind when they make changes. in my opinion grinding npc allready felt like a waste of time before this update and ever since unova was launched because i could make more with less effort by being a trader instead while being able to keep that laid back approach to it. At least before this update the people grinding gym where able to be laid back has well but now it doesn't seem like any amount of adjustments to the rate of amulet coins will help casual players since the price will end up being set by the hardcore players. The idea i have to fix the amulet coin issue while also considering the devs poit of view that they are starting to pile up would be to implement both features on the item and not allow them to stack. This would meant that you could keep the old laid back approach if you used it has a held item but you would have a higher payout if you consumed the item.
  14. Just saying but maybe the devs don't have to piss off people with every update they do. The compensation for the lucky egg lost would have been much easier to do by automating it than for the genderless. I am aware it wouldn't have saved them from all the backlash from the change but at least the people wouldn't feel has betrayed by the devs. I feel like i said that before but telling people to just quit if they are unhappy can feel the same way has if you said kill yourself if you are unhappy with life because you can't do anything about it. It may be true to some instances but there is always hope and you are working hard to kill them.
  15. Fair point but if it takes them has long to answer this i will have to seriously question whether they actually care about the community. Sure they may be very busy but that's why there is staff moderation instead of it being done by the devs so why aren't they able to anwser anyone about rules give some power to them to be able to take a definitive stance on everything and maybe change the rules if they have to.
  16. Might has well add the time period when they can be found to avoid looking for a rare pokemon at a time where it doesn't spawn like torchic for example
  17. It's dating back to January so my hopes aren't very high that i or anyone will get an answer
  18. I did try to bring it to all of them but only sqirtle "read" my message and didn't bother replying
  19. I like how you don't say anything about the superiority complex. It's a nice subtle way of confirming my assumption (not blaming you for it) on topic now i forgot to mention i had talk with bear about staff actions being inconsistent and offering help with potentially making more elaborate guidelines for staff moderation. The answer i got to my proposal could be summed up to fuck off we don't need it followed after by him suggesting that i bring this to admin instead wich ended in the same way. So their will to change anything isn't really there sadly. quick disclaimer that bear isn't rude enough to just tell me to fuck off right away this was just a shorten version of what the reply meant or at least how it felt.
  20. You forgot to mention the main point of team now: avoiding staff tyranny moderation with a worse version of chat that you have to keep on grinding to have fresh and active meat in there. It's a mmo so you have to grind for everything...
  21. That wouldn't surprise me much honestly, anything not directly related to pokemon seems to slowly become ban/mute worthy.
  22. Not saying none of my mute where deserved but some sure where for bulshit reasons like the one i have for saying rule 34 in chat and got hit with inappropriate chat and some sgm defending the fuck out of the desision despite being something e rated show would let slide because it's not directly mentioning anything inappropriate. i would love to see a mayor make staff take responsibility and credit for what they do. Making them take a public stance on stuff more often would be nice instead of us just having to figure out what we can and can't say with mutes that are inconsistent.
  23. Are people defending staff are forced to have the arrogant superiority complex now? since your argument suggests that you aren't used to argumenting i'll give you a basic tip. if you want to make someone shut up try providing facts and accurate numbers of what you are talking about has well has understanding their position and why they have it. Just a side note that being arrogant will only lower your credibility. on the subject now i feel like staff either needs to learn their own rules or change them to represent what they are doing.
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