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Everything posted by Heavyhitter

  1. Maester Aemon also had a brother called Aegon, he referred to him as 'Egg' and this is talked about more in the books not exactly sure if it is noted in the T.V. show at all but the Aegon that Aemon is comparing to the wildling babe was once King of the Seven Kingdoms but is long dead at the time the show is set. Here is a wiki page that might will give you more detail on this https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Aegon_V_Targaryen I like this idea what makes it more interesting is that Aemon's last words to Jon were also his last words to his brother Aegon which were - 'Kill the boy and let the man be born'
  2. Even if that's the case it's perfectly fine.. As far as I am aware this game is inclusive of all types and levels of players not just shiny collectors.
  3. 99% ? That sounds like an accurate source of information you have there, I bet you didn't just make that up!
  4. Coming for a newbies perspective it is nice to be able to participate in some Official Events that aren't catered to players who are already well established in the game.
  5. Hi, can you clarify the species bonus? I was unsure what you meant by that. Thanks
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