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Everything posted by FunkPk

  1. If they didn't nerf the shit out of NPCs we would still have a consistent method for making money but that was too easy so now we get to suffer and sell 14k Everstones.
  2. The bright side of lotteries is that if people are interested enough, the creator of the lottery will make a decent amount of money from it. Sadly nearly every market in-game is dead right now so if this is the new way of making money we shouldn't bash it just because it's not what we're used to seeing in trade corner/trade chat.
  3. If people are stupid enough to waste their money on a lottery, let them
  4. Update: I am currently on my 5th poptart tonight and it is disgusting. Very little flavor to it and I just don't think it could be classified as a sandwich. There are no toppings and really nothing to it, it's just a cheap snack/dessert with very little filling on the inside.
  5. I agree with both parts of this statement.
  6. I guess it depends on how you eat your hotdogs then. If I put lettuce and cheese on my hotdog do you consider it a sandwich then?
  7. Here is a thread with the entire discussion I'm having. I'm very heated right now and I'm currently taking a walk to cool off. https://twitter.com/FunkPk/status/999544288315953152
  8. An ice cream taco is also a sandwich. Not sure about poptarts, will need to do more research before I come to a conclusion.
  9. Currently having a very heated discussion on if hotdogs are sandwiches or not. They are most definitely sandwiches and if you believe otherwise you probably aren't very intelligent.
  10. I could help you, whisper me in game my ign is the same as on the forums.
  11. I don't think I could take 6 years of this.
  12. 6 months later and we still have only half of 5th gen.
  13. I may be a bit late but congrats on SGM. Well deserved friend. 

    1. Bearminator


      Thank you friend, Im really happy <3


  14. These are the quality typos I expect from you.
  15. The same "higher staff" who close every thread and hide every post that criticize anything about them/their game. Good luck with that.
  16. Stay on topic with the thread bud
  17. uwu http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7randombattle-739274007
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