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Everything posted by Dinkle

  1. No, you can complain about serious issues, you can't complain about your own inability to use your brain and realise you are doing something wrong, that's a YOU issue, not a issue within the game.
  2. If you made another suggestion about this i would be happy to upvote it.
  3. Here we go, let me just quote everything that proves me right, you really gonna make me quote everything when you know i'm right? Pretty dumb. Spoken like someone who doesn't want to spend hours rematching. Also sounds like a personal quote and not a public opinion. 25 gyms too much? Sounds like you are too busy doing other stuff. If you have this much hate for the rematches then why the hell would you be doing them? Also i think you are too hung up on thinking this is a personal attack ( which it isn't ) maybe if you stop trying to defend yourself and start defending your suggestion you might see what i mean.
  4. Because you are sat here complaining about it.
  5. Which part was aggressive? I am literally TELLING you that you aren't putting enough effort in, if anything that's being helpful. If someone telling you the truth offends you, you should probably seek help as at no point was i going for a aggressive approach, you just decided to assume i was being aggressive because i wasn't sugar coating everything.
  6. I'm sorry that you can't have your suggestions be criticised without getting your feelings hurt and thinking it's a personal attack.... Really tho? aggressiveness? XD You shouldn't be on the internet if you are just going to cry when someone doesn't share your opinion,
  7. See this is how i know you are lying and are just being lazy, i can assure you, i have neither. Farming ISN'T fun, you farm so you can spend your money and THEN have fun. To me it just seems like you are getting offended by facts.
  8. All i see is "not everyone wants to put that amount of EFFORT in". I doubt most of the people that do the rematches were born with that amount of patience, they most likely put alot of EFFORT into doing it and most of them probably realised that it isn't as bad as they used to make it out to be. Right now, (IMO anyway) you are the 1%, that little group of people that: Don't want to put any EFFORT in Think that the game is just going to give you everything you want for little to no EFFORT Think that just because they are too lazy to go and PUT SOME EFFORT IN SLIJFSUGRFRGVFRLIUSFRB that the games mechanics need to be changed, to suit their lifestyle of putting no EFFORT in and getting everything handed to them Each one of these, require no EFFORT EIROFPNH;KFOIKVGN HGV;;;;;AEU9 REGI9FEHN;RDFUIGH
  9. Just what do you think farming is? I feel like you aren't putting any effort in at all, it's like you think from doing 1 hours of work you will be loaded. Like i said before, i used to complain about being poor and then i actually put some effort and i ended up with 13mil ( still poor :'v ) it was nowhere near as hard as i made it out to be in the past ( the stage you are at now ). Maybe you just need to try a little harder, try new methods and mainly don't forget that more than 50%+ of the best money methods involve RNG and you are not always guaranteed a win.
  10. You mean "Not everyone wants to make money" ? I isn't meant to be easy, i remember complaining because i was on the game 24/7 and struggled to make even a mil, then i realised i was the problem because i wasn't putting any effort in.
  11. Just get some self control and then there is no need for a bank
  12. There is no need, the sparkly sprite mod has the gen 5 sprites.....
  13. Yeah just whisper me when you are back, i have no life so ill be on still
  14. Can you add "Drinkle" or atleast whisper rn, need someone to farm with in the longrun ;p
  15. I don't think they can change that yet, maybe in the future
  16. LF partner with 3 lvl 100s, preferably not a noob
  17. Tfw first shiny this year >:V jajajajajjajajajajajajjajajajjaja
  18. Please don't be a noob ;'v IGN : Drinkle Post your name below to group up with someone
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