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SecretDjinn last won the day on September 20 2023

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About SecretDjinn

  • Birthday 10/27/1995

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  1. Por favor asegúrese de emitir un ticket a través de https://support.pokemmo.com/ bajo la seccion de problemas de puntos de regalo. Please make sure to submit a ticket via https://support.pokemmo.com/ under the section "reward points issue".
  2. Hola, por favor asegurate de utilizar el boton de reparar cliente en la pantalla de inicio del juego. Si esto no funciona, emite un ticket de soporte a través de esta plataforma: https://support.pokemmo.com/ Y no olvides agregar una traducción al ingles mientras usas estos foros.
  3. SecretDjinn


    https://support.pokemmo.com/knowledgebase/article/out-of-memory-error Please make sure to follow this article for further info, if you don't find a solution you're free to submit a ticket via that very same link.
  4. Thanks a lot for your report, we've already dealt with the player. Next time, we'd appreciate if you sent these reports via https://support.pokemmo.com/
  5. Por favor utilice esta plataforma para apelar a penalizaciones: https://support.pokemmo.com/
  6. No hay problema con usar multiples dispositivos con multiples cuentas. https://pokemmo.com/en/tos/ Te invitamos a leer las reglas para informarte màs sobre lo que està prohibido. Por protecciòn, no compartas ni uses cuentas de otros usuarios. Si alguien quiere darte sus cosas, es mejor que te las intercambie directamente desde su personaje. There's no problem with using multiple devices with multiple accounts. https://pokemmo.com/en/tos/ We encourage you to read through the rules in order to become aware of what's against them. In order to protect yourself and others, do not lend your account nor use others'. If someone wants to give you their assets, it'll be better if they directly trade them to you through their own character.
  7. Please make sure to submit a report via this link: https://support.pokemmo.com/ You'll be able to get help through our support platform.
  8. Por favor asegurese de agregar una traducciòn al ingles mientras use estos foros, y reporte cualquier bug o problema con el juego a travès de esta plataforma: https://support.pokemmo.com/
  9. https://pokemmo.com/en/video_policy/ We encourage you to read through the entirety of this link, but essentially, what you're asking isn't against the rules. Hope this has been able to clear your doubts!
  10. Por favor emite reportes solo a través de: https://support.pokemmo.com/
  11. Por favor emita reportes solo a través de este link: https://support.pokemmo.com/
  12. Buen día, su aerodactyl y volcarona están dentro de la guardería, por favor hable con la anciana para retirarlos. En el futuro, utilice traducciones al ingles mientras esté en estos foros, y para ayuda de soporte utilice este enlace: http://support.pokemmo.com/ Good day, your aerodactyl and volcarona are being held by the day care lady, talk to her in order to retrieve them. In the future, please make sure to add an english translation to your posts, and for further support assistance please use: http://support.pokemmo.com/
  13. Hi there! Please make sure to submit this error via http://support.pokemmo.com/ by logging into your ingame account, you'll be able to get help through our support platform!
  14. It is not against the rules to trade assets between your own accounts
  15. Hi there; This is a legitimate collection, seems as though this person likes finneon a lot.
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