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Everything posted by Kryptes

  1. I believe there are major improvements to be made with the moderation system. I was participating in a chat about hentai with a dozen other people and got banned from talking in all mediums, limiting my gameplay. No warning, no one else was banned, even though worse was said, *not even a reason or what I could do differently*. Just that "bear", a mod, said that this chat would not continue. I continued a comment 'someone else' (I noticed that other players weren't banned for saying Hentai) said about an anime called 'DXD', that it was hentai and fan-service. I said: "Lol DxD is the worst Hentei I ever watched. They kept their clothes on 100% of the time.." and I was banned. I was the only one banned as I've seen others continue on with their conduct. I do not see what mistake I made by saying something didn't have explicit content. I would hope that these inconsistencies and short-comings are resolved as I myself can see quite a few issues from such conduct. As of my banning, after assisting other players, I've decided to play something else for the rest of the day and foreseeable future. Thank you and please continue to promote a 'positive' atmosphere.
  2. My Blaziken became a douche :/
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