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Everything posted by Flavawhat

  1. bestfriends pronouncing everyone's names is the highlight of my year
  2. so who is gonna make that 'worst team name of PSL 8' poll
  3. srsly something as simple as a bronze/silver/golden vanity item could fix 85% of the problem here, looks like you guys just dont give a lot of fucks about this
  4. this just proves how lame ranked is, this could be hype af but it's not & that's sad
  5. i don't think if you were literally dying you would be typing this, it would be pretty impressive
  6. uair suggested it like 4 years ago, still would be cool though
  7. i sold it to some name i've never seen before/since so sorry
  8. ahyes lets completely kill the little tourney hype that is left
  9. race to 100, who will win ?? jonulo chesars or alatea?!! find out in 4 days
  10. u can win the catch event with those iv
  11. dayumn thanks dude, whats your ign ?
  12. Choice of two colors: shiny slakoth colors Name: Flava Team (Optional): Render: Slakoth
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