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Everything posted by LeZenor

  1. It’s not an extreme scenario, it happened in the past it’s not illogical to think that under similar circumstances it could happen again. He is not paraphrasing you or misquoting you, he is just pointing out what could happen if we got rid of certain things (from your suggestion) that keep the breeding system in check or make it an actual MMOs
  2. I have been seeing that idea circulating on this thread for a while now and I’m sorry but I have to say it; giving a 500k stimulus or any amount at all willy-nilly is very stupid and naive idea. It’s a short-sighted solution that end up causing more problems long-term than actually solving any problem at all. For a very short time, it may have a significant effect on the economy and "boost" consumption but overall what it really does is enabling a vicious snowball effect. Sudden increase in players wealth means increase in consumption of goods which means more demand over supply which then inevitably means increase in price. In other words, if I initially have 1m in my pocket and I’m given 500k more, I can now buy 50% more goods than I was able before. On a small scale this might seem like nothing but at a much larger scale, let’s say all "active users" start suddenly consuming more all at once, the effect will be noticeable and more impactful. Demand will effectively go up while supply will remain relatively the same or even go down, not enough supply to satisfy the demand will increase price. Congratulations, by injecting money in players pockets, you end up artificially inflating the price of most goods, setting us back again at the initial problem but this time with everything costing significantly more. Generating money haphazardly is never a good thing. That’s why it’s heavily scrutinised by the developers. Take gyms and trainers reruns for instance which are the primary money "printers". They inevitably and inherently create inflation by design because it generates money in the game. But there is something that counterbalances this and it’s money sinks. Money sinks are things that takes money away from players but does not redistribute it to anybody else effectively destroying that money. It ranges from many things from purchasing pokeballs from the pokemart to breeding costs and braces or gtl taxes for instance. In theory you want the money sink to take away money somewhere close to how gym and trainers reruns generates money to have a steady and controlled growth. You also want the money to flow between players so that players can enrich themselves alternatively without generating money. Because otherwise generating money at rates money sinks can’t keep up increases money supply over money demand, more money = more demand for goods while supply remains the same = inflation and money losing value yada yada. Taking away options from players to make money by nerfing Alphas, exp. candies, legendaries or anything that makes trades between players thrive will only lead to more players grinding gyms and trainers reruns and effectively create inflation. But that's not really relevant to the thread though. Game economy per se isn’t a factor that drives players away. I think it's mostly grind and how wealth is acquired that can be a factor that can drive player away. If the game requires lots of grinding for low yielding then yes I can see this being something unappealing. That's something hard to balance because you don't want that to affect the economy badly by making it too easy but also don't want it to be too tedious to keep your players engaged.
  3. he is the best goddamned staff member and human being to ever grace this mortal realm that’s who he is
  4. IMO Alphas are fine. My issue at this time is how roaming legendaries are acquired, it’s just egregious. In my personal experience I’ve always had to waste a minimum of 30h just doing boring plain encounters before obtaining anything and last month I couldn’t even get Zapdos after spending hundreds of lures and committing several hours a day. I’m probably just very unlucky but then again I really don’t think it should be up to luck. I really hope this is going to be addressed with raids just like for what they did for Shaymin this year which was perfect- 12 challenging raids for a legendary as a reward, the grind was not tedious and required actual strategies. The game does lack endgame content and mmo features. I am really eager to get raids as permanent features though. I just wish there were more features surrounding in-game teams, ie: team banks, team leaderboard or something, anything to give them a purpose. I miss 2016-17 North Pole dungeon-like map..
  5. Not gonna lie, I hate this statement a lot. It's extremely biased and should not be considered as factual. That's just nostalgia talking most of the time. People tend to remember past PSLs more fondly than recent PSLs while also remembering their past experience as better than they actually were while in reality, PSL is probably just a series of ups and downs since the first edition and not a negative slop forever going down like people like to claim. The treatment recent PSLs get is not fair because they are not looked through an objective lens but rather through a subjective nostalgia-type of lens. Things changes, meta changes, people changes so does most elite and top players. Old top players become washed or leave altogether, new top players break through and replaces them and this happening is not a bad thing, it just shows the community can replenish itself with new skilled players. It's not because you and your friends used to take part in past PSLs that all things happening after that period have gone down hill in quality. It's a very self-centered way to view things and very inaccurate. It feels like some are trying to delegitimize new events just because they are not in them or because it's not like it used to be, it's very disingenuous for new players who are trying to make a name of themselves. Some people look down on PSLs now and like to drag it down simply to elevate the times they were in it which is what kills the hype IMO.
  6. When you share your opinion on public forums, you have to expect that people will disagree with you, that’s just how it is on the internet man. You can’t just expect people to agree with you every single time you share your thoughts on a topic. And if people see a flaw in a specific part of your argument (which they did), they will point it out. I don’t particularly agree on the way they did but regardless, you are entitled to your opinion and so are they and nothing compels them to answer all of the 84 other lines of your post. Maybe they agree with the rest or maybe they don’t or maybe they just don’t bother to reply to everything in any of your post. Nobody is out to get you Bug-type resisting to Psychic-type was part of your argument. You were proven wrong. That’s it
  7. Yeah like Eggplant said, the staff member that reviewed the ban is different from the one who administered it and after reviewing the evidence, deemed that the ban was appropriate and would not be lifted. If your ban appeal has been denied then there’s nothing else that can be done. Bothering staff members won’t change that outcome and they gain nothing from showing you what or how you got caught breaking the rules
  8. This is extremely irrelevant to the topic and also you should get your facts right because I did not even play that tour lol
  9. It gets everything wrong because it’s not a fair and logical argument, she’s arguing in bad faith. She’s not really worried about the "state of the game’s economy", she’s worried about her personal investments. That whole story is made up to make it seem less like a selfish request. She is suggesting the removal of an existing feature to make it harder for everyone and especially newer players to grind money because according to her, those players should only limit themselves to grind long and tedious gym leaders to earn a dime while she can watch her investment go up by doing absolutely nothing like she thinks she deserves. Alphas and/or exp candies causing vanities to drop in price is an extremely big stretch and is the least of our worries in regards to the game economy. It truly is an elitist suggestion and it is in all honesty very disgusting and disingenuous.
  10. As terrible as his passing is, monetizing his death would be a truly awful thing to do
  11. I'm genuinely annoyed that some posts have been removed and someone actually received warning points without prior warning on this thread for something pretty mild for PSL standards and just in general. It definitely doesn't warrant a whole week ban from forums. What @MathewMatposted was legitimate criticisms for the sake of the integrity of the event given that the actions of Doc jeopardised entire seasons in the past. This is the main thread announcing this season's PSL where we discuss the new host and the event, so I'm not really sure how that constitutes derailing in all honesty. Can't we not share our concerns without the risk of receiving a warning point because a certain someone can't stand the fact that we won't look past actions they've made in the past and continues to this day to take no accountability whatsoever? That's ridiculous, we might as well not have a thread in the first place. Beside, these decisions to ban Doc were made public and were done by previous hosts which are players, this is common knowledge for anyone that isn't an outsider. This is no account ban, there is no digging dirt on anybody here, no one is revealing private information. So which is it ? Drama or no drama? Or does it not apply to you? Rules for thee and not for me? He brought you drama but you shrugged it off and told staff to remove it. Or are you gonna argue that it was against some forum rules? Worst things have been said on other PSL threads in the past. Staff have always shown some leniency in this regard. This is extremely mild in comparison.
  12. Could we adjust the rules so that matches can be bought with money as well, it would make things much simpler
  13. Agreed, very refreshing addition and overall good content. Please don’t keep your hard work locked behind seasonal events, this is a much needed endgame content!
  14. I really don’t think it has anything to do with arrogance. I think they’ve learned from previous years that making no promises is better than making empty promises. They used to do it more often in the past, but people were actually pretty mad and were giving them more shit when they would not deliver on time. I believe that whatever project they are working on is not up to their quality standards and are spending more time polishing it and correcting issues that can be detrimental to user experience and I don’t blame them for doing that and I also don’t blame them for not getting too much into details. I’m sure they are not happy themselves that they couldn’t finish on time and take no pleasure in adding delays. It’s fair to be disappointed and we can argue about the lack of communication but I think the contempt you have towards them is the actual arrogance and selfishness that is on display, not theirs
  15. Community Combats and Yetto’s Taillow Time hosted during mostly EU timezones did fail to fill 16-seat tours by the end of LC and at that point we would only see the same players actually playing in them. I think most of the reasoning behind the decision were stated in their official statement at the time and in my opinion, still holds up to this day. As far as we’re concerned, none of the reasons listed in caos’ post were actual reasons given by staff except for point number 3. The rest is all speculations. We can debate why LC “failed“ as a tier but that is not to be confused with what prompted the staff to remove it
  16. I think they should fire themselves out of their jobs, that will teach them :^)
  17. Pvp exclusive hats are purely cosmetic, legendaries are defintely not. That's just false equivalencey. Neither cosmetics nor shinies give you an edge over your adversaries like legendaries do. Some legendaries can be played with different moveset and natures meaning having to own several of the same pokemon just so you can be on par with the meta. Sure you can change movesets and natures, redo EVs and all but that's not practical and also quite expensive every time you must adapt your pokemon. So in order to acquire all of those pokemon, you either have to hunt for them, if the current legendary cycle allows it and if you can spare several hours a day that month before a new cycle begins, or spend tens of millions through GTL or trades to fill your pc, as more new legendaries are rolling out. It's not unreasonable to think this isn't fair. I think most people would be fine if the means to acquire legendaries were actually challenging the players and not insufferable endless grind based on rng, especially given how important they are for the competitive scene
  18. Only the rightful king of England could pull the sword out of the stone, does that mean all the unworthy, luckless, non-pve players are not deserving of finding their legendaries? If you catch my drift
  19. Why you gotta gatekeep the thread dude, nobody asked for your input either yet you've posted twice already, which is totally fine but what he said was totally on-topic and I could find myself agreeing with his post, why shouldn't he be allowed to share his opinion as well? You're free to disregard him if you disagree. That was just unnecessary It might not be a problem for Mkns but it might just be for other players, just saying
  20. My biggest disappointment is both Kyu and Desu not updating their profile pics for the holidays…
  21. Yes we need some clarification here since EDT stops being observed on Nov. 5 (UTC -4) and we move to EST (UTC -5)
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