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Everything posted by Riesz

  1. Did you hit by a No Guard pokemon? In battle All moves used by or against a Pokémon with this Ability cannot miss. It also allows Pokémon to be hit during the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly, Bounce, Dive, Dig, Shadow Force, Sky Drop, and Phantom Force. It does not bypass Type immunities.
  2. 洋馆个人推荐用泥人,洛托姆会电磁波
  3. 直接买吧,NPC一个卖1000 聚宝几下买一个不香吗
  4. Simplified: "啊!野生的{pokemon}跳出来了!" Traditional: "啊!野生的{pokemon}跳出來了!"
  5. 需要出战才能,所以背心首发后,必须换人挨打一轮才能aoe秒群怪
  6. 不清楚有没有效,但是为什么要群怪呢 刷闪不需要刷性格,同步+群怪 也只能抓一只,单遇的效果会更快(不用打死其他的)。注:同步濒死不会除非战斗外效果 我觉得同步可能有用的点就是抓百变了,但是至少多一个回合,不知道是否对长期有正面的经济效应
  7. Not really. I tried to put some items (without listing them) and realized they have significant different price cap
  8. 用qq邮箱,记得先激活
  9. 首先,不是很明白你的逻辑。同步(对性格)-遇怪率-闪率之间应该没有直接关系。 同步vs遇怪率之间应该没有直接影响。 对性格vs闪,个人并不觉得对性格的怪大概率是闪。 遇怪数vs 闪率,闪率一只都是那样,你可以说遇怪数多了自然会闪,但是这游戏没有保底。假设遇了3w只怪,按概率,是有60%左右(之前有其他帖子计算过)至少遇到一只闪。
  10. Agreed. How many people did press H in-game and reads, then click link and further reads all?
  11. Perhaps those on delay won't appear on GTL until delay is gone. No purpose if listing appear on GTL and people can't buy it
  12. 不需要,只要一直往左,最后往下就到了(嘻嘻
  13. If you wish to go back now, u can choose a starter then talk to Mom, she will send u back to Unova. For pokemons, you will get to keep them but you can't use them unless you have them under your obedience level (check trainer card). Obedience level allows you to use pokemons up to a certain level and is progressively increase with badges owned in that region. All regions have different obedience level limit except 0 badges = lv 20 and post E4 = lv 100. You can keep items you own and use them except for key items, eg bicycle, HMs, watering can
  14. Good to know. I'm still waiting for cheap breeders to breed XD Will engage once I finish my breed
  15. Is it possible to keep lvl 1 mon for Battle tower ribbon?
  16. Imagine character walking on flying carpet
  17. 这个还行,看见取名sand veil的三地鼠才是骗傻子的
  18. 大佬的定义是什么? 创号时间久? 游戏时长久? 游戏知识丰富? 氪佬? 游戏币n位数? 有稀有时装? 20个小号种果子? 天天一金币四搬天王? PvP无敌? 竞标赛冠军最少x次? mmo世锦赛胜率高? 有管理好友? 有知名玩家好友? 写过攻略? 天天频道聊天? 日日论坛灌水? 还是其他的标准 or 以上都有才算?
  19. Just skill swap, then change to catcher. If u plan to use it as lead, invest in speed evs and hold smoke ball. Their speed isn't best so smoke ball helps to run away Against final gambit is a no (i think)
  20. You could use Smeargle conversion+shadow claw (note: shadow claw on first slot) and two other moves as you like. I generally brings Taunt Soak FS Yawn set smeargle and it should be able to prevent most cases, except explosion, self destruct and final gambit. For other take down cases, I prefer skill swap+magic guard solosis-line
  21. Anyway I have upvoted
  22. Do we go back to old breeding system as well?
  23. 《摩登原始人》 即视感 (暴露年龄
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