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Everything posted by Riesz

  1. 据我所知,停止服务后,你开新号,就算刚开,没徽章,没交易过任何东西,但凡被发现都是直接封
  2. kv只是普通用户,一切详情以官方公告为准
  3. Even if you hated the billionaires, they did accumulated their wealth through their time to grind, invest, planting, offering services or any other things which you may not have done as much as them. I don't see why people should be restricted because they spent more time in game and is wealthier than others.
  4. I think the real problem is mage staff (from event goodie bag) is now worth more than a limited of same released time -- werewolf
  5. While voting for No, I would say it's not worth to sell now (for 20-30k) The cooldown is long and you only get 4 (max) per refresh I would rather use them to fight and keep extras
  6. 开课了,没过四六级的集合
  7. 不建议普通玩家翻译 原因你懂的
  8. 糖果可以跟南瓜王换礼袋,5糖果换一个 特制打boss
  9. Next year k? White and black werewolf masks
  10. 刚刚下线前,打了几个特制,还抓了2种明雷质子 感觉2个质子都好看!
  11. 我刚刚浇完。。。啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
  12. 请问是哪个玩家的基地,我也进去瞅瞅
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