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Everything posted by Riesz

  1. Answering support requests and ban appeals
  2. 能提供详情吗? 目前暂不支持全屏(bug) 有必要可以在那个贴回复寻求支持,可以艾特我帮忙翻译
  3. Win10的话可以用这个计数器 https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/137452-tool-gilans-encounter-counter-beta-available-v102-update/
  4. 1. No HA for players yet 4. No mega yet 5. There is higher chance for baby to inherit mother's ability. If the 5x31 (or 6x31) natured is not with desired ability, buy a Ability pill at breeding house NPC to change it (No hidden ability) For your egg moves question, yes and no. You can simply use Smeargle to sketch Wish (by doing wild double battle) for field egg groups
  5. I have tried, so it has been a year.. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/129257-region-chat/
  6. To prevent teleport, you could have use any lead mon with Taunt. Those can flee but can be restricted by Taunt are generally lower levels, so you do not have to worry about speed There is many utility mon you may have to keep, since there is no one single mon can fit in all situation. For example, General ghost - soak - to prevent curse suicide and to be able to use FS on it Frilish - with water absorb, foresight maybe a better option Explosion,self destruct - damp ability Mons with take down, double edge - I always prefer magic guard+skill swap for this type, some prefer conversion+ghost type moves And there's many other situations which you may need to be aware of. Suggestion: - get all dex entry - know your target and find solutions for it - be sure you can execute your plan well (eg Shiny Smeargle in hordes)
  7. Is there any pop out window when it crashed? Take a screenshot or screen record
  8. 你不是认识du吗? 你觉得呢
  9. 刚刚有人发了这个给我,真的只是巧合吗? 按上面大佬发的图,kv 10月29日才加入论坛,就算看到du的回复也不至于一字不漏背下来吧。。
  10. 闪的话,需要自己OT公-同一进化链 (自己名字闪百变无效) 非闪,需要自己先收服一只其进化链最底端的精灵(绿图鉴)。 如果已经是绿了,你可以直接往上孵蛋。 预览可以看到接下来是否带有星号 以下为范例 成品:罗丝雷朵 需要收服:毒蔷薇 目标不是含羞苞,是因为含羞苞属于baby宝可梦,一般需要父母携带熏香才可以获得,因此收服一只毒蔷薇即可
  11. Riesz


  12. We won't need our own Pokemons if it's similar to last year Christmas
  13. No one knows if it's similar as previous year until update comes
  14. If you are planning to put max EV at lvl 20, I would suggest you to engage Amnesia Brace training Pokemons holding Amnesia brace will not get any exp, still gets EV but they need to be in battle
  15. 我觉得他可能还在肝活动。。希望人没事。。 但是说好的万圣更新贴他也没出现。。。。
  16. For your information, Christmas limited vanity is always biggest disappointment to me. Look at reindeer, Christmas light, UFO and snowflake hat ?
  17. 论坛上有个朋友最近消失了,有人能联系上他吗? 按之前的发帖回帖强度,就算不回复也会上线点点赞之类的。。万圣节前夕出现到现在没登录过。。。 好担心他的安危,是不是要通知警方去他家找找看? 这是我刚刚去他的主页看的:
  18. I pretty enjoyed the event this time. It is my very first time in PokeMMO to grind Pumpking despite having been here for years. (Yes, I planted Lum berry on 2nd day and reaped the profit hahaha) What do I like this year: - easier access to special candy Reduces learning costs, costs for newer players to try and fight boss - cooldown of lantern/miniboss The cd is ~40min, meaning one person can max get 4 in a refresh, and boss fighting time is around 10-15min, which is (imo) good for supply and demand - community still shares locations, which is great as it is always. The only thing that I dislike this year is: And some sinnoh lanterns are hard to find. My concern: The kids no longer hands out special candy and making much lesser people to farm them, due to the payout is too less compared to boss. The goodie bags from kids is inferior to pumpking goodie as well. Perhaps we could see reduced number of candies required for a normal goodie bag next time?
  19. 按照字面上的意思,只要是你玩就会被封。。 这边建议另外找别的游戏吧,不可能为了一个游戏搬家换区换设备 (doge
  20. 不是,但凡发现是你在操作就直接没了
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