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Everything posted by Riesz

  1. @Dontea wow thanks for your input. I would appreciate if one same character gets multiple slot be addressed, though it doesn't (and probably never) affects me As for the long hours of single dungeon run, I do hope these "experimental" dungeons would contribute input for future legendary/h.a dungeon.
  2. Actually he is good friend of mine, and I didn't meant to make it difficult for him, that's why 4. was in the list The purpose of 5. Is IF 4. were to be implemented, meaning purposely occupying more than 1 party's slot
  3. There is nothing to worry if you never do anything against the rules
  4. I didn't play the event but have heard from friends, would like to understand from others(you). 1. Too many berries spawn Would it be better if items are random from a similar pool, says 1x each choice item, 4x certain berries and 4x evolution item. Would this reduce possibilities of failing dungeon early due to no power item/evolution? And progress to following waves would add more powerful held items to pool so that may appear next wave. 2. Leaderboard category While some may attempt to beat with less members, would it be appropriate to add different category, eg 2-member, 3-member and 4-member ranking. This is due to full party has advantage over lesser party. 3. Reward- percentile I believed our community is huge and many has made attempt to get Nian hood. It was made clear that it would be back next year. I am thinking if it will be better if reward made to top percentile of ranking, instead of specified number of party. Leaderboard would still be similar, just that it will have another page states the current percentile holder score and player (your) best score. 4. Party / Individual Reward If party clear with exact same members, maybe it's better for leaderboard to update their score instead of letting the party takes 2 slots. 5. Alts If one knows the trick to event, is it allowable for them to have 4/8 or more characters to occupy the leaderboard?
  5. Couldn't help with what was done but hope it will prevent future accidents
  6. You could use some berries (of Chansey dislike flavour) to reduce happiness
  7. Silver and Gold were never here. Probably another game? XD
  8. I believed both are at most ~3m each Could try your luck at trade channel for cheaper shinies
  9. So far, for most dungeons we have seen, it takes very long if one would like to score higher. I personally don't have a consecutive long hours to play game, let alone learning a single dungeon run from scratch. Proposed: - save point/check point after every wave. Players can opt to leave dungeon temporarily, continue or end dungeon (similar to Battle Frontier) Leader takes the choice and pop out window for members to agree/confirm with leader. If leader chooses leaves temporarily, all link members leave dungeon with progress saved until they rejoin or forfeit current run. - along with save point, players can continue to play next wave with potentially different team/member (who have reached same wave AND opt to leave temporarily) Leader should have an interface to check each member's current wave. Party can join lowest wave if members are with different progress, eg wave 4/4/2/5, the party can only join wave 2. - leaderboard score This would potentially affect scoring system. The score may now use highest wave, time used for the wave as standard. Rewards should still be made to party instead of individual. - training ground A simulated place for players to test-fight normal wave (excluding bosses) at faster pace and learn about items that may appear
  10. Probably a swarm, it happens but it's rare and pokemon appears are not always same
  11. Not sure which egg group you need. You can open GTL, advance search egg group and leave blank other options. Then, you can see all the listings and check where they are caught from summary.
  12. These pictures are from a friend 1. The dragon mask being unknown item 2. Searching for ox/dragon with text "unknown" 3. Character wearing ox cloth (im not sure if the item name) 4. Character with both dragon head and ox cloth
  13. With the leaderboard, I doubt difficulty will be adjusted unless there is major bug that is being widely exploits
  14. You can just go ahead and try out your team. Gym rebattles are easier coz we can have lvl 100 against lv 80+. Their team member are pretty consistent. The only thing (for me) to note is that beware of Hidden abilities of pokemons, leader can have them, eg Multiscale Dragonite at Fortree city. Many of them run weather oriented team, fire/grass type are often seen with Drought lead (HA Ninetales or Torkoal) I would ignore weather most of the time but will always break Hail. The Snow cloak evasion can be irritating Last but not least, don't be surprised if they use any pokemon that is not if their signature typing in rebattles
  15. How long would it take to hatch all? With flame body 5 min per round?
  16. Yeah i hope this wouldn't hurt those who run fast (i consider myself a decent runner) and would help those who have just finished the storyline and encourage them to tackle gyms. We have seen Typhlo Drought, Hydreigon Krokodile in almost every gym team. I do hope people can use their favorite pokemons when they play
  17. Don't worry,it is just that game account and forum account are separated.
  18. Current amulet coin let us gain more money in an hour time but https://ibb.co/gtFVxPf This type of situation happens to me all the time. Money buff only applies if last enemy is fainted before it run out (even if battle text still ongoing) Suggestion: Using a single amulet coin gives an amount of money buff charges, beating NPC consumes these charges. For example, 1 amulet coin= +60 charges Normal NPC -1 charges Gym Leaders -4 charges E4 and/or Champion totalling to -15 charges per region Pro - can save charges to whenever u like - can trade while grinding - I won't face situation as picture above.
  19. Don't think so, but you would need mods for Gen 5 pokemons follower sprites (both normal and shiny) So, getting follower sprites is kinda normal now ^^
  20. For shiny, I think u can try some mods around in forum To travel to other regions, u will need 4 badges in the region and talk to the captain(with a parrot) in major port of each region. For Kanto, u need to go to Vermillion and talk to the captain
  21. 个人用的是 点到 哈欠 浸水 挑衅 除了自爆系列全部可以防 如果图图不是首发,首发必带挑衅
  22. The number is not cumulative. EACH one is independent of another. U may get shiny in first encounter/egg or 100,000,000,000 encounter/egg. In another words, u could get 2 or more shinies in one single box hatching
  23. @EricRasp I actually suggested similar one when GTL was rather new May take a look and upvote if u like!
  24. Interested player is able to counter offer on listed pokemons and/or possibly items. Trade is completed via mails once seller accepts one of the offer or goods sold on listed price. Reason: At times, I do find some breeders that I wanted but the listed price is slight over what I am willing to pay. PM the OT or mailing them isn't as effective as they aren't the one who listed the pokemon. Pro: -Anonymity of seller is maintained -More trades maybe encouraged/promoted Cons: May encourage overpriced listings on GTL (yes I do aware of this) However, if this became a thing, I think there should be some rules on counter offering to prevent malicious counter offers, eg - player who counter offer has to pay a fee scales to his/her offer (similar to listing fee) - sets a minimum counter offer price, based on the listing price - there is a maximum active counter offers that one listing could have, says 5 or 10 - one player can only sends only one offer to each listing (and not their own listing)
  25. You may include nature and egg moves (if any) People maybe interested in these infos
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