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Everything posted by Riesz

  1. Current: Baby has higher chance of inheriting mother(or father if ditto is used) ability and small chance of another ability (if there is any) Suggestion: Make the ability same with the parent that decides species. I'm aware there is ability pill and it won't hurt much if one is going to make 5x31 or 6x31 mons0 If we have this, it could have help 1) those who want to do budget mon (cuts costs if they used desired ability mon to start breeding) 2) potentially for HA mon in future (since I belive there won't be HA ability pill)
  2. If you mean emolga, it is a phenomenon only pokemon You have chance to encounter it at rustling grasses of routes (check from dex) And It happens randomly
  3. Kindly translate if you wish to post in English forum Contact Bearminator if you are interested to apply for CM
  4. Riesz


  5. 我比较期待在我的豪宅睡(登)醒(录)时,发现一堆人也在豪宅内说他们才是豪宅的主人
  6. 可以但是最近的更新降低了拾取群怪掉落的概率
  7. 闪的话,同一个进化链才会是你的名字(父母其中一方自己OT,OT百变除外)
  8. 游戏账号跟申请帮助是一样的账号 跟论坛账号是不相通的
  9. 印象中1.7倍是不需要道具辅助 关于烟雾球明天我会再试试看
  10. 烟雾球必定逃跑 以前我都是首发低级细胞带烟雾球的
  11. but u can filter IVs for egg, so you know if your shiny egg has gotten lucky or not :3
  12. Rules updated! Giveaway will come back very very soon!
  13. 以前我时常带个烟雾球,必定逃跑。 个人已知必定逃跑的方法: 1)逃足等特性 2)首发为鬼系 3)携带烟雾球 另外,上面公式可以推算出来,首发只要速度是野生的精灵的1.7倍或以上时,必定逃跑。 (*此公式不适用于群怪,群怪需求的速度更高,具体忘了)
  14. 一般没练带v的,因为制作成本高昂 你可以自己弄成2v对性找我背心,有抵押 一般没v,但是物攻速度 20+,性格加攻/加速
  15. Bottom left of Hoenn Beach under Slateport Im glad he's back to ground finally
  16. Afaik, they know where to appeal and they are aware of Chinese forum. They are just anxiously want to get unbanned so they just post everywhere. There are even rumours saying chinese gm/mod have no access to ban appeal, that's why you see so many "translated" ban appeal, thinking english is the only way to communicate with the team. In some cases, their appeal has been rejected, so they thought they could appeal again in english forum. *Above is my own thought after reading all those ban appeal posted in subforum, and is not from any official team*
  17. Friendly and nice berry seller, got my order real fast
  18. Not sure for pumpkid but pumpcat prices has been rather stable, been 160k-ish and now 230k if im not wrong. Similar case goes to shiny pumpcat
  19. I have never got any shiny I hunted for years. 100% encounter = no shiny Non 100% encounter = no shiny/the one I wanted
  20. In game Pokedex is the best
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