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About Demonid

  • Birthday July 7

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Demonid's Achievements

  1. League Name(s): Demonid Server(s): LAN Main Position(s): ADC, Jungle Favourite Champion(s): Lucian, Vayne, Udyr Division(s): Diamond 3 I'll migrate my account to NA after this season ending
  2. LF 75 Pomeg Berry, will enchange for 99 Kelpsy or Hondew Berrys.
  3. I guess the main issue would be using the armory while in battle with the player, that would create disadvantage, it's a shame, it would be useful for new players that want to learn the competitive game checking how the best players are building their teams-pokemons but i get now why it's not that good idea.
  4. Kinda hard to explain, but what about making a Ranking Website where we can see the 100 (or more) best players of each category Over Used, Under Used, Never Used etc etc. You can click on the player name and get information about his "Party", check what moves, iv, and ev their pokemon have. Kinda like what World of Warcraft does with his Armory: Example: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dun-modr/Demonid/simple
  5. Sure, just yell me your IGN to send them to you.
  6. Looking for 75 Hondew Berry, will enchange for 100 of any other EV Berry. IGN: Demonid
  7. Sweet Scent Ocarina + 30 PP (Sweet Scent Max PP is 32) Refill each time you go to Pokemon Center. This way we can have a bindeable Sweet Scent that will do nothing more than a basic Pokemon with Sweet Scent will do, nice for EV Traning, not so much for Shiny Hunting (Pokemon + Berrys is a better way).
  8. Is there any real reason to not implement this function? Most MMO have this function enabled by default, for example World of Warcraft.
  9. Demonid


    Thanks a lot for removing the annoying sound of the ocarinas, it's a lot better without sound :)
  10. Demonid


    Thanks for the Update, l already have bough all Move Ocarinas, as a suggestion (Cant post it on Suggestion Forum for now) Could you make the sound for using ocarinas less annoying? I feel like im being kidnapped by an alien each time i use one, i dont even think the sound is really needed, text is fine. Thanks again for the update :)
  11. This guide help me a lot to get my first 3 Million, thanks a lot.
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