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  1. Hi to everyone, before I start writing the sugestion I have to apologize because english is not my first language and I may make mistakes, so if you don't understand something you can ask and I'll do my best to explain it better. I'm an old player, have played this game for even years, and I think that it's amazing and staff is working well. But, as an old player, there is one thing that I would like to request, and that's related with the team's system. At this momment, you can join a team to meet new friends, and you also have a private chat box, but the issue is that the difference between be a team member and not be a team member is almost inexistent, there is no team work, or at least the game don't encourage it. If you are in a team and you want to fight another team (as a war, for example), there is no difference between a team war than a lot of people without any team fighting, and that's the point I wanna work with in this sugestion. You (the staff) can make a lot of things, at the first momment here we hadn't cooperative fights (as we have now in Hoen, 2 players against 2 NPC in the battle tower), so you created the "link" and made it possible. Also, at the beggining, we didn't have the horde's system, so you created it and now you can fight more than 2 pokemons at the same time. So... as we can create "link" to play with other people against npcs, and as we can face more than 2 pokemons at the same time with the horde's system... Could it be possible a fight between 2 linked players agains anothers 2 linked players? If the first answer is "yes", could it be possible to create a "multiple link" with 2-5(or 6) people, so in the same battle more than 4 people could fight? (As with the horde's system) And, finally, if the second answer is "yes" too... could it be applied to the teams? I mean, as a "team vs team" system? It would be great if you and another 4 or 5 team mates could work together in the same battle against another 5 or 6 enemies. If you create this new system, people would have to learn how to play with this system (as the double's battle isn't the same as the normal battle), and of course this would enforce the team work and give more importance to stay in a team. Thank you for reading this all, I hope you undestand what I try to say. Good luck, Khaikaa
  2. I also am a very fan of ribbons, as the creator said, I recently discovered that there are battle frontier ribons, and they are so cool and I'm hardly trying to get them for my favourites pokemon (isn't as easy with a dragonite/gengar/etc than with a claydol). I think it would be soooo cool if you implement more special ribbons, I don't care about the people who think that it's useless, i want more ribbons!!! :)
  3. Yes, all 12 pokes were lvl 100
  4. Hi everyone, I'm a non-tm player who only plays lvl 100, Today I found something I think it must be a game error, I was playing against one of my team mates and, at the end, I only had my Claydol and he only had his Gengar. If my Claydol is 100% health always kill his gengar, so I was calm, but something happened. It's Gengar used Destiny Bond, and my Claydol killed it, so the Destiny Bond killed my Claydol, BUT HE WAS THE WINNER OF THE MATCH. Isn't it wrong?
  5. And we have mobile phone, and we can write letters, yes, there are so many ways to communicate But I 'm talking about writting in game
  6. Hi everyone, I'm a team boss, and I found a problem with the chats when you want to do diplomacy with other teams. I think doing alliances with other teams is a great thing, first because you know more people and do new friends, and in second place because you learn a lot and get stronger very fast. But... How can the members of one team speak with the members of a friend team? I think it would be great private chatrooms in which only people you are interested to be there can join. It can work in 2 different ways: The first is create a chatroom with "x" name and "y" password, and only people who knows both can join. The second way is by invitation, you send an invitation to them and they can accept and join. With this, we can create a chat room with the players of both teams and can speak like in the "team's chat". Also, we could invite other friends, enemy team members during the war... I think it would be so usefull. I'm so sorry, my english isn't very good, but I tried! hahaha What do you think about it?
  7. Cradily and sharpedo dudes... amazing pokes...
  8. yep, it happened to me too, it happens when you start fishing too quickly, just when the previous battle ends. Sometimes the battle ends but the "battle screen" stay
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