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Everything posted by XelaKebert

  1. Nah, it's January 7,601, 2000.
  2. Then you've made this a much larger issue on your own doing. Overhealing is not an issue at all tbh. You don't need precise healing in order to be efficient. If you want to save time there are more efficient means of doing so. If you are outside you can use fly to go back to a PC and heal, which would honestly be more efficient than healing 20HP at a time. As far as Sturdy-mons are concerned, if you are referring to Pokemon with the Sturdy ability using Super Potions is much more efficient since Sturdy will only activate if they are taken from full HP to 1 HP in a single hit. In situations like that it is more beneficial to "overheal" as healing 20HP at a time and needing to use several, even with a stack of 900, you run the risk of running out before it is fully healed. Honestly, even having the potions assigned to a hotkey would reduce the steps from open bag -> go to medicine pocket -> select potion -> select target -> use potion to press hotkey -> select target -> use potion. By assigning a hotkey you reduce the needed steps by 40%. The idea is nice, and it would be nice to see, but in the meantime there are much more efficient means of healing and reducing what you term to be screen clutter. If you are choosing to not use those means then you are literally making the issue bigger.
  3. Back in the day? Potions have always been cheaper than Super Potions. What you've missed from my point is that part of this is entirely of your own making. You are using an item that only heals 20HP at a time as opposed to an item that heals 3x as much and will need 1/3rd of what you would normally pack for Potions as a baseline minimum. It wouldn't cost you a penny more than what you are already spending on Potions but you would get more distance from one Super Potion vs a Potion. As I said, the idea itself is nice and would definitely be a nice QOL improvement, but you have made it more of an issue than it really is by using the most inefficient means of healing in the field. Potions may be cheap, but they are by far the most inefficient healing method once you have access to Super Potions.
  4. I agree with this premise on the surface. It would be nice to be able to fully restore PP from Leppa by applying the number needed to do so in one go, but at a deeper level, this is an issue entirely of your own making. I will explain it below. You are using more potions to heal the same amount of HP that you could heal using less of the higher tiered potions. Using your stack of 900 as the baseline I calculated that you are restoring 18,000 HP over time with those potions, but it takes longer to do so. You can heal the same amount using 1/3 the number of Potions by using a Super Potion. You heal 3x as much HP per use for the same price of 900 Potions. Sure you get a 1/3 of what you get for regular Potions, but it's a matter of speed. The Super Potions appear to give the best value per use relative to cost. Sure if you want to spend a bit more you can get Hyper Potions and use 6x less Potions to heal the same HP, but you are spending 30k more in doing so. Potion: 20 HP / 200 -> 18,000 HP / 180,000 (900) Super Potion: 60 HP / 600 -> 18,000 HP / 180,000 (300) Hyper Potion: 120 -> 1400 -> 18,000 HP / 210,000 (150) What I'm saying is that, while your idea is a fairly decent idea, part of this is entirely based on how you play the game. Because you choose to use the cheapest potions, you are slowing down the rate of healing which is making this process more tedious than it should be.
  5. Which region are you in and how far along?
  6. The player is asking to trade with you. They will be able to make their offer when you accept and the trade window opens.
  7. What did they change with Antidotes? If I recall the only major change with healing items was Full Restore and Max Revive (please correct me if I'm wrong) were made into crafting items instead of being available for purchase. Aside from that all other healing items should be available in the marts with the ones found in the overworld from the item sprite on the ground being untradeable. This could be a decent idea tbh. Tournament Mode would allow players to understand the standard clauses and not worry about being over level 50. Having something like a Battle Tent Mode would open up other options for people who would otherwise be unable to effectively battle in Tournament Mode due to having lower levels. The system already gives you an idea of the levels your challenger has in their party, so if you have a bunch of level 30s and someone is challenging you with level 50s you're going to struggle more, if not outright lose.
  8. That's fair. I've personally only used Fly so I never thought about Teleport.
  9. Wouldn't Teleport and Fly essentially do the same thing except Fly allowing you to go to any town you have previously visited?
  10. If you aren't catching them you won't get the item if I recall correctly. In order to guarantee keeping the item you would want to use Thief or Covet on a Pokemon that is at a level where it won't faint the wild Pokemon.
  11. There don't appear to be any that accomplish this currently. Client Customization would be the best place to find GUI themes and Mods. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/33-client-customization/
  12. I understand fully what you are saying, hence the proposed alternatives. The issue with adding more time is that players who win by time stall could get a larger payout from doing this on top of getting a bump in rankings. Making it so they take a hit in rankings and payout means that time stalling becomes less viable while still allowing stall tactics to be as viable as possible. In order to make adding a draw category worth it, you also need to add time penalties so that players are encouraged to build to win by full KO or forfeit.
  13. If the system just chooses a winner after time expires it's still inherently flawed. You are just giving players who do this more time to work with. Knocking out a single Pokemon does not automatically mean you should be the winner as there is a chance that the other 5 could still handle the rest of your team. It's not a War of Attrition, that is something where both sides give and take. Think battles where soldiers on both sides lined up and shot at each other until one side broke. What I suggested as an alternative would be objectively better. It's a two pronged approach. 1) All matches that reach time limit are draws and award half points Draws are a net negative in rankings as the primary sorting is wins > losses > draws so a player with the same number of wins and more losses would rank about someone with a draw. Players who are forced into a situation where the worst case scenario is going to be a net negative for them anyway then they are more likely to actively avoid getting into that situation. 2) Past a certain point, 40-50 minutes maybe, the system should make the time to make a move shorter and shorter. As an example, if a player as 1.5 minutes left on their timer past 40 minutes the system sets their time left to 80 seconds. As the time in the duel progresses time gets taken away at a rate of like 10 seconds per 5 minutes over threshold until the time remaining is down to 10-15 seconds to make a move. When a player who is time stalling with the intention of making the duel a draw they are leaning very heavily on their personal chess timer so taking the crutch away from them means that if they want to play stall they will have to be more creative than that. The point being that past a certain point the players should be highly encouraged to end the duel with a decisive conclusion rather than an unclear one.
  14. I think a better solution is that the system should not declare a winner and mark the match as a draw awarding 1/2 the value of points to both players. There are too many factors for the system to be able to account for and doing this in ranked matchmaking undermines the very reason staff weren't allowed to declare a winner in tournaments where a matched was terminated due to running over the time limit. Something else that could also be better is that, as the match gets closer to the 60 minute mark, your chess timer should allow for less time to pick a move and actively encourage players to make moves that position the duel to reach a decisive conclusion. Edit: I should clarify the reason I say this. Adding more time does not encourage players to make decisions that lead the match to a decisive outcome but rather gives them more time to play with. If you start taking away time from their chess timer the pressure gets placed on them to move the match to a finished state or risk losing due to time out. With a chess timer it's harder to argue that you could have won a match when you ran your time out. If a player is forcing you to run your timer so low that it runs out, then that player could be logically said to have won. There is a caveat that some players abuse the chess timers, but even still it's harder to argue against the system when you chose to run your timer out rather than keeping the match moving and it's not fair to declare the other player with time remaining to be at a loss simply because there were moves you could have made. If you could have made a move that could have tipped the match in your favor and didn't then you are still at fault for not doing so. So removing time from the chess timers is the best all around solution as it solves issues with players abusing the move timers and this one by putting the pressure on them to actually make their moves.
  15. After you get your starter, but before your first badge, you should be able to talk to your mother to go back to Unova. If not you will have to wait until you have 4 badges and take the ferry in Slateport City.
  16. It's been quite some time since I've played with the themes, but if I had to make a guess as to why it's not working properly, it's because you are only looking at one part of that theme block. <!-- Theme used by various battle windows including the main window, skill learn dialog and item selection dialog --> <theme name="battle-panel" ref="-defaults" allowWildcard="true"> <param name="background"><image>label1.background</image></param> <param name="border"><border>7</border></param> <param name="defaultGap"><dimension>2,2</dimension></param> <param name="smallGap"><dimension>8,8</dimension></param> <param name="mediumGap"><dimension>10,10</dimension></param> <param name="largeGap"><dimension>15,15</dimension></param> <param name="namedGaps"><map/></param> <theme name="dialoglayout" ref="-defaults"> <param name="border"><border>0</border></param> <param name="defaultGap"><dimension>5,5</dimension></param> <param name="smallGap"><dimension>8,8</dimension></param> <param name="mediumGap"><dimension>10,10</dimension></param> <param name="largeGap"><dimension>15,15</dimension></param> <param name="namedGaps"><map/></param> <theme name="label-black" ref="-defaults" allowWildcard="true"> <param name="font"><font>alphabeta-border</font></param> <param name="border"><border>0,0,25,0</border></param> </theme> </theme> <theme name="scrollpane" ref="scrollpane" allowWildcard="true"> <param name="minWidth"><int>300</int></param> <param name="maxWidth"><int>300</int></param> <param name="maxHeight"><int>70</int></param> <param name="minHeight"><int>70</int></param> <theme name="dialoglayout" ref="-dialog"> <param name="defaultGap"><dimension>0,0</dimension></param> <theme name="button" ref="-defaults" allowWildcard="true"> <param name="font"><font>alphabeta-border</font></param> <param name="border"><border>2,0,4,10</border></param> <param name=""><image>button-small.*</image></param> <param name="textAlignment"><enum type="alignment">RIGHT</enum></param> </theme> </theme> </theme> <theme name="label-black" ref="-defaults" allowWildcard="true"> <param name="font"><font>mechabold</font></param> <param name="minWidth"><int>155</int></param> <param name="textAlignment"><enum type="alignment">CENTER</enum></param> </theme> <theme name="label" ref="-defaults" allowWildcard="true"> <param name="font"><font>alphabeta-border</font></param> </theme> <theme name="button" ref="-defaults" allowWildcard="true"> <param name="font"><font>alphabeta-border</font></param> <param name="border"><border>2,0,4,10</border></param> <param name=""><image>button-small.*</image></param> <param name="textAlignment"><enum type="alignment">RIGHT</enum></param> </theme> </theme> The code above is the entire child theme code block for the battle panel. If you are finding that changing a single border attribute is doing something close to what you are wanting to achieve then it would stand to reason that you would simply need to change one of the other border attributes to get a closer effect. Something I would highly suggest is using Notepad++, or some other text editor with syntax highlighting, as those will allow you to better see the full theme blocks rather than trying to figure out what tags go with which blocks. Below is an example screenshot from Notepad++. The minus signs on the left side of the screen allow you to collapse entire blocks of code so that you can focus on the exact block you need and it also allows you to see which line has the end of a given block for larger chunks.
  17. Only if you have beaten the storyline for those regions, otherwise you start with a new level cap in the region you are travelling to.
  18. This is the funny part because there isn't even a post requirement anymore so there isn't any need for someone to get their post count up to post in this section. In either case, necros really aren't a huge problem around here since the majority of topics that are no longer relevant have already been trashed anyway. Those seem to come in cycles, there will be periods where there are a bunch of posts asking those questions and then a few months will pass before they get asked again. By that point the old topics are either buried or have been trashed (maybe). Most users don't understand how to use the search functions either so it's one of those things you have to just kind of roll with.
  19. Once upon a time the mod team used to go through General Discussion and prune out threads that were no longer relevant or where the conversation had clearly ended. I don't believe it went over very well at all, but I don't recall since it's been ages. Necros aren't anywhere near being an actual problem and I'm more interested in why you would think this is a problem. Going through the sections here's what I see. General Discussion: Not including the pinned threads, the first 3 pages of threads are all topics from within the past 30 days except for 2. In each case the post that bumped it up was on topic and the topic itself can still be considered relevant. Suggestion Box: There is no such thing as a Necro here. There are older suggestions that might still be relevant now that could easily be bumped, if someone were to search them up. Even then, if you want to make a case about the threads being bumped with no content, that is a situation where it is better to report it and move on. The current iteration of rules for the section doesn't allow for bumps of that nature, but if the moderation team has made a decision to allow posts to be bumped in that manner it is on them to update the rules accordingly. In any case, necros really don't exist in the section regardless. Trade Corner: No such thing as necros as active shops will be getting bumped by the maker or players posting to make purchases from that shop. Competition Alley: This is a very focused section and a lot of discussion takes place here. The threads generally go away in quick order once the discussion is finished. The sub-sections don't really see necros either. Guide Tavern: This could be cleaned up to remove outdated guides, which I believe is still a work in progress, but generally there are no necros here either. Official Events: No necros, events that are finished are locked and archived. Introductions: There really aren't any necros here either. Client Customization: Cleanup in this section still appears to be a work in progress. Older threads still linger about, but the posts that bump them up are 99% asking why a broken theme doesn't work. Creative Media: There are a lot of older threads here that are still active with the respective poster. Multimedia: If you've got something to add to the discussion on an older thread here, may as well post it in that thread. I don't understand where the argument that we need this rule as a means of being "user friendly". If anything the forums are being used exactly how they are intended. Active threads are still on topic, and if something is off topic then it should be reported and you should move on from there. There isn't any sense in piling on to off topic posting.
  20. For the GBA regions you need both GBA roms. As far as base required it's just Unova. Everything else is optional.
  21. Funny you should say that because right above your response to me is a dev saying exactly what everyone else was saying with more detail.
  22. Movepools in PokeMMO are based on Gen 8 moves so long as a given move existed in Gen 5. On top of that we have some Pokemon that have abilities that weren't available in Gen 4-5, Cursed Body Gengar as a notable example. Put simply, you'd be going into a Gen 4-5 battle with moves or abilities that may not be accessible for a given species in that generation. To another end, adding this ability doesn't bring anything to the table for PokeMMO, which should be focused on adding features and content that drives it more towards a fully fledged MMO rather than just a cool way of playing in the same overworld as other players at the same time.
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