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Everything posted by Rajat

  1. Add my Main Account to the league of legends group "RzeWentMIA"
  2. i will bring my NA account which is my account to EU West tomorrow , Cant play on NA 1000 PING AND EUW only 90
  3. Can you re-breed a 5*31 into 6*31 and change its nature and give him HP grass also how much would that cost me
  4. its 2 pm i will go to sleep now i will play with u guys tomorrow
  5. ok league just got 6.15 but where the f are the project skinsss
  6. allready mailed you the item its for 650k
  7. Rajat

    WTB NU comps

    Hasty sharpedo bold misdreavus they should be 5*31 or better with ev trained
  8. shop open for requests
  9. I have 3 pc expansion for forf,yetto and mookinesis be online after 2 hours from this post
  10. OUT of Rp right now request left for tomorrow are - Forfiter , YettoDi and Mookynesis request left Forfiter and mookynesis also request for any 500 rp will be taken . no more 800 or 1000 rp request for today .
  11. Hello guys welcome to my shop I take 3 requests per day for any vanity item available in shop , any color I will tell you when i am open to requests and when i am not please don't message in just post your request here and i will complete your request please don't post 3 request in one post like - (red coat black coat etc) one request at a time - ( red coat) request again after your first has been completed Format of the request IGN: Items name ( one only) like (one red coat) price of your item in Rp
  12. Rajat

    Dota 2

    I have dota 2 but never played it but I play lol if someone can teach me dota 2 I will play everyday steam name Rzjzt
  13. League Name(s): Rzjzt / Rzjzt Server(s): NA/EUW Main Position(s):ADC/FILL Favourite Champion(s): Varus, Jhin, Vayne'Ashes and all other champs Division(s):Bronze I
  14. Do play league of legends ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rajat


      My MAIN ACC is on NA but i have a account on EUW add me "Rzjzt" what do u use for talking team speak ,


    3. KaynineXL


      I personally don't use TS although I probably should, my PC is a little sketchy on the FPS though.


      A lot the other use TS though.

    4. Rajat


      Say wanna play a game with me

  15. My Answer It makes sense for a programmer to have a pet, because it can be at times a fairly lonely profession, only interacting with a computer for long stretches. A programmer may have chosen his/her career for exactly that reason, but if not, an ever-present furry companion can easily fulfill that "hole". This is what I think would be behind a so-called "cat obsession". It also makes sense for a programmer to choose a cat. Programmers are notorious "optimizers", and they'll choose a cat in a heartbeat for the low-maintenance factor. However, does this apply to me?(YES) Am I, a programmer, obsessed with the Luna - the Cat YES I AM
  16. i will give him for free mate :) but i am closing the shop for this month cause i am out of rp i will open this shop again next month
  17. you will get them by mail by tomorrow !!!
  18. while both you you hit it off i will make her mine and good luck with your 6v6 wtvr
  19. i am out of rp for today so can i complete your request tomorrow
  20. also there should be a price ( at what price this item or poke is being bought my other ) if you don't understand what i am saying then go to facebook and play yoworld
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