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Everything posted by Bluebird

  1. Damn, so I really spoiled myself up to Ep. 115, thanks obama reddit.
  2. Looks like a cuphead boss hahaha. Make something megaman alike <3.
  3. That new death animation, dragon ball is leaking.
  4. mfw the doodle guy stalks you but not me :(

  5. So cuteee! I'd totally pay for a doodle like that, go make a shop, or make this thread one! I'll be your first client :)
  6. Vegeta not giving Goku energy for the Genki kindda confirms this to me.
  7. Not even tagging me meownyah, shame on you. Is Zeke in contact with Eren or something? All that mice and pillar talk, also the catch a ball thing and Eren owning a glove. Zeke = Itachi Uchiha I want to belive.
  8. I love how Krilin knows what's going on, more than the Gods and Gohan.
  9. i like this wiki more remember to claim your daily gift. http://town-of-salem.wikia.com/wiki/Roles
  10. We got more than eight? All I knew was: You, fred, a red one from VVVV, one from a TC member, one from an ex SASS member, someone with a white one, the one a staff holds, and mine. From that list I think the only ones to probably sell it would be the person with the white one, and the ex SASS member, mine is not on sale (to keep it on topic).
  11. Gross why you stalk me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DaftCoolio


      was a 4 bodyguard game, wild 



      Was witch and ended up winning with the last mafia member so no disguiser

    3. Bluebird


      Ah that seems fun... I once played a 4 spy game once, aids.

      Also remember to rewatch this YT video, where I carry as a necromancer, everyday #BuyCovenAlready #FunniestVideoOfAllTime #SrslyBuyCoven




    4. DaftCoolio


      video is as shit as coven

  12. So Kale tanked SSB Kamehameha and Jiren got rid of her like it she was nothing... Time to call Gogeta or do the saiyan god ritual thing on Kale? I feel she's probably getting her own transformation, something like SSJ4 who knows.
  13. Just because someone spammed a down-vote on every thread, doesn't mean you should disable that feature. I mean what's the difference between this and likes now?.
  14. Goku making Gohan the leader just to ignore his plan. Never change Goku.
  15. ew

    1. SirVector
    2. Bluebird


      not as rough as getting killed night one

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