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  1. I'm proud to be an American
  2. All the colors you use give me a headache Anyway, Name: SteelSavagery Boy or Girl render?: Boy Willing to wait months. Even if I quit the game before you do it, I'll be back. Hey I'm pageking man you have to do it, pageking priority now, js
  3. My name is usually balls of steel, been playing on US East (East side till I die)
  4. Hm maybe it's lag then, but my cell stops randomly. I attributed it to the bigger cells. Ah well, gotta git gud
  5. Tried team mode. A majority of players had been consumed by Green I guess, so I was instantly trapped, do the bigger cells get gravity pull or something?
  6. Fuck there was some dude with like 8000 something cells, I can't hang
  7. Welcome dude, i used to play chess, was pretty good at it a while back, shit now tho
  8. This shit goes so hard omg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhT2DwqVpN8&ab_channel=GreenDaySum41Fan
  9. I'm the brightest shade of green, what
  10. You have to beat the 2nd gym, make it to Slateport, and take the boat in the north eastern building in slateport
  11. That is the brightest shade of green
  12. I feel less intimidated to post now
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