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Bilal's Achievements

  1. Not sure how easy the following is to implement but I think the best way to do this would be to store all the TM's in the giant mall and rank them in groups by [generally very high] prices. They could be ranked by power (<50 being the cheapest and 150+ being the most expensive) with non-damaging moves like 'rest' being dealt appropriate prices too. If need be, then restrict trading TMs completely but I definitely think we should be able to access them and agree with the posts highlighting the main reasons on p1.
  2. This is by far the best tournament-related idea I've heard, would be great to implement it and see how it would work - and I also agree that the trainer needs to have surpassed or achieved the level before having it 'unlocked'. Keeping a lot of tournaments at a lvl50 range IS a good idea as its the middle ground which doesn't isolate too many on either side.
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