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About Jarek

  • Birthday 05/25/1993

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  1. Team Name: Vila Oculta Do Sal Team Tag: VØS Registered Players: iiStormy, BodaoBolado, xLucasdkx, Bulbasauretop, Jappyz, SolarBlack, ZuraTheInsane, YsgramorOAnao, Jarek, ScarletField e OldestJoa. Team Captain: OldestJoa
  2. Team Name: Vila Oculta Do Sal Team Tag: VØS Registered Players: iiStormy, BodaoBolado, xLucasdkx, Bulbasauretop, Jappyz, SupremoSolar, ZuraTheInsane, YsgramorOAnao, Jarek, ScarletField e OldestJoa. Team Captain: OldestJoa
  3. Welcome to Jaja's Company Limited We have the following loan options: Option 1 - Amounts below 2.5 million with payments every day = value + 200 thousand (value of the installment to be agreed) Option 2 - Amounts below 2.5M without payments every day = Amount + 500K (Term of 25 days, Amount of the installment to be agreed) Option 3 = Amounts from 2.5M with payments every day = Amount + 10% (Amount of the installment to be agreed) Option 4 - Values from 2.5M without payments every day = Value + 20% (Doubles the term referring to the value of the installment to be agreed) Rule 1: In the payment options every day, you are not exempt from paying the following if you make a payment above the amount agreed on the previous day. Rule 2: Without payment options every day, I will notify you 3 days before the deadline To combine value and deadline, contact via discord: Jarek#9883, but to confirm the agreement it is necessary for the interested party to confirm (answering that he agrees), identifying himself with the nickname (Name in the Game) and Start date of the comment on your transaction. All transactions are carried out via e-mail, so that you can register All transactions can be viewed in real time through the link: https://cutt.ly/ohAQHtI The new rules of the above agreement apply from 06/04/2021 Following the guidelines of the game's marketing rules, after the deadline established in the agreement, if not followed, we will contact the game moderators to recover the loan amount (the interest amount is not refunded) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bem vindo a Jaja's Company Limited Temos a seguintes opções de Empréstimos: Opção 1 - Valores Abaixo de 2,5M com pagamentos todos os dias = Valor + 200K (Valor da Parcela a combinar) Opção 2 - Valores Abaixo de 2,5M sem pagamentos todos os dias = Valor + 500K (Prazo de 25 dias, Valor da Parcela a combinar) Opção 3 = Valores a partir de 2,5M com pagamentos todos os dias = Valor + 10% (Valor da Parcela a combinar) Opção 4 - Valores a partir de 2,5M sem pagamentos todos os dias = Valor + 20% (Dobro do prazo referente ao valor da parcela a combinar) Regra 1: Em opções de pagamentos todos os dias, não isenta pagar o dia seguinte caso realize pagamento acima do valor combinado no dia anterior. Regra 2: Em opções de sem pagamentos todos os dias, irei avisar 3 dias antes do prazo final Para combinar valor e prazos, entrar em contato via discord: Jarek#9883, porém para confirmar acordo, é necessário que o interessado confirme (respondendo que esta de acordo esse post), se identificando com nickname (In-Game Name) e Data de início do comentário referente a sua transação. Todas as transações são efetuado através do e-mail, para que seja registrado Todas as transações podem ser visualizadas em tempo real através do link: https://cutt.ly/ohAQHtI As novas regras de acordo estabelecidas acima se aplicam a partir de 06/04/2021 Seguindo as orientações das regras de marketing do jogo, após o prazo estabelecido no contrato, caso não seja cumprido, entraremos em contato com os moderadores do jogo para recuperar o valor do empréstimo (o valor dos juros não é devolvido)
  4. I do 18 Gym + Morimoto + Elesa, so the charge system is not viable if you add some charges, it would harm me and the other players who do a quick rematch. I think the best way would be to count the bonus, even if the time for the last battle is over
  5. that's what I said, if the gym already has a shortcut, then enable it. Acedemias that do not have shortcuts, so remove things to leave the passage free, as I informed above, or do not restart the configuration made of the last puzzle
  6. as I commented in the post, already has a shortcut, when entering the gym, do not enter the port, access the teleportation on the right
  7. Some gyms are too boring to make a rematch, not because of the difficulty of the rematch, but to reach the leader, because the puzzles make you lose a lot of time and if you have an amulet coin activated, time counts a lot something similar was done recently at the Fantina academy in Hearthome, where we had access to Fantina without going through the puzzles Unova: in Upelucid, activated teleportation to reach Iris Sinnoh: in Veilstone, remove the tires to reach Maylene in Pastoria, full water reservoir, allowing lateral access to the Crasher Wake in Canavale, the elevator needs to go down to reach Byron in Snowpoint, remove the snowballs on Sonyshore, the buttons already configured to quickly reach Volkner remember that the suggestion is to stay like this after defeating E4 Thanks for listening
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