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Everything posted by Rendiz

  1. They are disgusting scum. Kinda uguus who never seen a real game. bet the fuckers play fifa and cod and probably like to have sexual intercourse with their close relatives.
  2. @ShadowGary the traitor. Playing smite. What a disgusting piece of shit.
  3. 10m on me vs whoever I'm against first.
  4. Bad Shit talk Bad manager applications Even worse shit talk A few good managers with shit applications Even worse shit talk Bestfriends memes to farm easy likes.
  5. I predict anyone but Moetal as managers
  6. I'm sitting on the porch Wind blowing through my hair The ducks are frolicking in the pond But I just can't seem to care Life goes on around me I don't participate I go through all the motions But what I really do is wait I dream about the day That you'll come home to me Nothing else is important Why can't people see? I don't want to go out I don't want to have fun I don't want to do a thing Until all is said & done They took you in the summer Now fall is almost finished Winter will be here very soon And then the year will have diminished You have no idea how much I cry I never let you know It's so hard out here without you But I'm not allowed to let it show I must pretend all is fine Everyone thinks all's okay But what I never ever tell them Is that I cry for you every day
  7. How can I possibly sleep knowing that you aren't here in bed beside me?
  8. You better take that the fuck back right now young man or I'll send you to bed without any beer. Idc if you shit talk league. But implying any game can be worse than smite? That's just too far.
  9. Saw Uber in title and got excited. why u do this? i cri
  10. While trolling placement games on smurf to get placed in bronze Enemy Jinx: "I'm not saying you're bad. I'm saying you are a special player. You go full YOLO, either that or you are pooped" They know me too well.
  11. Not going to quote because long, I could be wrong here but did tyrone get into the 4th round of a official or CC? Because if it's a CC I don't think I even need a counter argument. As far as people not dedicating a whole lot of time to the tier and bringing chanseys and haunters yes this does happen but you really don't see them anywhere near as often as you are making it out to be. Not only that the entire argument is just a giant grey area. The cause of people bringing chanseys / haunters is because they are under-prepared and don't invest much time into the tier. You could make the same argument for people who bring out of date or bad sets / lower tier pokemon or just simply bad pokemon that they are using for fun, If you do this you can instantly discount around half the players in any tier, I think saying this is only an issue in doubles is either wrong or you are massively underestimating how shit the majority of the player base is at singles tiers as well. It's true that nothing gets banned but I'm not even going to go into this argument further considering I don't know a single doubles player who wants anything to be banned. Yeah RNG does suck and it does sometimes impact doubles matches. And yes Bo3 would be great, If it will ever happen because of time constraints is a different story. Any game with RNG elements having the most games possible is always going to be good for competitiveness even in singles, but given time constraints I doubt this will happen. One thing that I would love to see would be team preview since lead matchups gives the player such a massive advantage using team preview to prevent yourself getting fucked by lead matchups and hence losing the game would reduce variance massively. This really isn't a team argument so let's not make it one. Kaynine has already mentioned people from other teams vouching for doubles. There are even AURA players who are in favour of doubles so I'm not even sure where this argument is coming from. As for the cancel button, for gods fucking sake devs please. How long has the thread been open now? close to a year? I guess I'll go bump the thread again, thanks for reminding me. Even with its flaws I still think doubles is positive to the game and positive to the TT since it gives a different perspective on how pokemon is played. It offers diversity to a mostly stale game and as much as you can try to argue against it, there are a lot of decisions to be made and many times more thought processes needed than in singles making it take a good degree of skill.
  12. The main problem for me was having to leash level one whereas pantheon was able to start pushing straight away so I couldn't abuse fioras superior level 1 and was forced to play passive since he would hit level 2 first. At that point it feels like you just need to accept you can't really fight him until you get some levels and just concede you will be behind in farm since you need to respect pantheons ignite combo since parrying w is unreliable at best even vs a max range stun. Although tbh the main reason the lane was hard was because low elo junglers have no idea that they are supposed to help laners break freezes, thankfully bad players get bored easily and hand the freeze back into you to let you freeze the lane and outscale.
  13. I lost way too much money betting last season to even consider that.
  14. Just played vs my first Pantheon as Fiora. Gotta say it's probably the most brutal matchup I've ever played. May need to make a rune page with hp regen quints and start cloth 4 just to deal with him. Still won though because the game is silly and decided to place me in gold (may god have mercy on their souls) because I was inactive last season.
  15. The way I see it is that most managers would already have a pretty good idea who they do and don't want before going into it. And they should most likely have back up plans or maybe even a ranking list of who they want most - least to help them decide beforehand. If they don't put in any thought in before the draft they shouldn't even be signing up as a manager in the first place.
  16. Honestly this whole popularity argument really dumb, partly due to the subjective nature of the word. Are there more players who play NU and UU compared to doubles? Yes, I don't believe the difference is anywhere near what gb is making it out to be. But of the players who play the tier are the NU and UU players more passionate about the tier? In this instance I would disagree. Both can be viewed as popularity and it's distorting the argument and taking it on a worthless tangent. On the second point that gb makes about doubles being less competitive, I would have to strongly disagree and it's for the same reason as why people who play doubles are more passionate about it than most UU and NU players are and that is because its a completely different format. As orange previously mentioned all the singles tiers are essentially the same with slight differences, whereas doubles is completely different format which intrinsically requires different thought processes and skill sets. In a Team Tournament which is fundamentally trying to showcase the best PokeMMO has to offer showing off player skill and tier diversity would it not therefor be beneficial to include a different and completely unique format with its only entirely different meta and skill sets?
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