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Everything posted by Servor5555

  1. Said last time i was going to update here once i finish the alphabet or get a Secret, but lots of progress was made these last 2 days. These 3 bad boys added to the family and none of them are dupes. 17/28 since i added "?" now too :$
  2. 349 Encounters (9946 hours). With this, that's 3 new forms in 2 days, lucky flowing through my body at this moment
  3. 1801 Encounters (9944 hours). Delivered as promised, "!" decided to come first, guess i'll go for "?" at a later point. Going back to letters for now
  4. 24334 Encounters (9933 hours). Another new letter (sorry for blurred screen, taken from a badly recorded video)
  5. You know what? Just for you, i'm down to go for one of them after the current phase or if go over 30k (at this moment i'm at 22.5k)
  6. As the title says, what's your oldest purchase/Mail you currently have? Mine is this Full Heal, which I got on January 1st, 2016 for reasons not even i know (it's a mystery indeed), by now this Full Heal does everything but heal. Don't have to mention it, but it's staying on my mail for the rest of my life
  7. 31890 Encounters (9804 hours). Decided to go for another 100% letter after reaching 25K, time to go back to the random letters, the journey continues.
  8. After 1 YEAR, 2 MONTHS AND 5 DAYS, i've reached +500k TOTAL UNOWN ENCOUNTERS! Was curious about certain statistics (and saving for posterity), so i decided to take some info: Total Unown Encounters: 500,036 Phase Completed: 21 Average Per Shiny Unown: 23,811 Unique Unown Letters: 13 (A, B, E, G, I, O, P, R, S, U, W, X, Y) Duplicate Unown Letters: 8 A (x2), P (x1), S (x2), W (x1), Y (x2)
  9. Another milestone i see worth sharing for. After 21st Shiny Unowns, and with this, i've reached 13 unique letters, that means i'm done with half the alphabet, it will get more complicated from now on, and i for sure don't know how long it will take, but i will continue until my patience runs out. If i ever update here again, it will probably after getting all the letters, or another Secret.
  10. 7562 Encounters (9642 hours). That's two new letters to the collection, with this half of the alphabet is done, but still a long way ahead. Pretty happy with the quick phases too.
  11. 240 Encounters (9603 hours). Now that's two in a day, and now instead a new letter, keeping strong. We go for more.
  12. 8458 Encounters (9601 hours). Another duplicate, another S. That's two of them in a row, still gonna keep going for the random letters, keeping strong! Eight duplicate.
  13. 52639 Encounters (9555 hours). And so, the update came, sadly a duplicate letter, the quest continues. 7th duplicate Unown
  14. My longest shunt is 100% a Shiny Unown "A" i have. To put things in perspective, the best chance you have to get the majority is by going to Solaceon Ruins, where 20 of them share a singular spot (multiple of them), so you're bound to get duplicates at some point, also something you might need to know it's that Unown encs aren't your normal single enc shunts, they have a low appear rate, so sometimes you have to do a lot of steps to get an encounter, in fact, I'd say that it's pretty common to go +100 steps without an encounter (even with Illuminate + Lure). Continuing my longest shiny hunt history, i was shunting in Solaceon Ruins to obtain more letters. I guess I was collecting too many shinies so the game chose to give me 115.187 encounter shunt this time, all of which were single/double enc Unowns. After 115k Unowns i finally found another one, the aforementioned "A", and you know the worst part of it? By that point i already had two Shiny Unowns A's, it was like the game was laughing at me, had to accept defeat and caught my third blue A.
  15. Thought sharing this here would be cool, as it's a very special occasion to me. After 31st Single enc shinies and +500k encs in total. I finally found my Secret, i remember being so excited about getting one when they were revealed back in June of 2022, as i by that time i was already doing single encounter shunts, so i anticipated getting one relatively quick. But oh dear how wrong i was. That initial feeling kept growing with time, as i was seeing more and more people getting them at so few phases, sometimes that number going a bit high, but none of them going higher than 10 at most cases. While i was here trying my hardest to get one, without a single result, at some point i accepted and kind of remained hopeful that at some moment ("eventually" as i said) i was going to find one, even if it would take months/years, it was bound to happen at some point, as long as I kept trying without stopping, which is pretty much the essential for any shiny hunt. Given this was almost a two year journey, thinking about how many shinies I found throughout that time, the amount of times i got happy to found a shiny, but slightly disappointed it wasn't Secret (minus on Safari, i'm glad those weren't). If you ask me, I was expecting to go double overodds Secret, as it had become the standard for me to joke about not getting one, sarcastically stating everytime "next one would be for sure". What i wasn't expecting that the last time i said that, it would be actually the next one, and i couldn't be happier, after thousand of hours grinding, doing encs, getting phase through phase, i finally got one, and on top on that, on one of my favourites Unown letters. It has been around 4 hours since i caught it, but i'm still speechless, i can't believe i already have my first Secret Shiny, and this journey for it made it this special.
  16. 32665 Encounters (9263 hours). After 31st Secret Phases, i finally got my first Secret Shiny, on a new (and one of my favourites) letters. On the day i come back after a few weeks break. Totally speechless.
  17. I've been thinking in maybe making a Google Spreeadsheet at some point, where i'll include all the Unowns + IVs and Hidden Power of each. I'll have to see, but it's a good idea
  18. Another milestone reached! +400k TOTAL UNOWN ENCOUNTERS! Getting close to half a million!
  19. Screen originally taken on: January 10th (2024) 2397 Encounters (9029 hours). That's two new letters in two days, feeling very lucky lately. Hoping the new letters keep coming! 30th Secret Shiny Fail.
  20. 11973 Encounters (9014 hours). Feels good to get a new letter after a couple of duplicates, silly me forgot to take battle screen. 29th Secret Shiny Fail.
  21. 4264 Encounters (8937 hours). Starting the year with the right foot (kind of?), another duplicate, but a quick phase, can't really complain. 28th Secret Shiny fail
  22. 17391 Encounters (8910 hours). Talked too soon, another duplicate. Third "Y", onto phase 14. 27th Secret Shiny Fail.
  23. I do kinda agree with your opinion, telling the buyer/victim to "refuse to give the money back" because it unwittingly trusted to someone who undoubtedly and KNOWINGLY acted in malicious intent from the very first moment doesn't sound right with me, but that's beside the point. As you were saying this method has been done for well over 5 years now, in that time the player amount grew significantly, and to a scale nobody expected it, yet the trading method stayed the same (as it's the only tool we have to do it). This ends up taking us to the current day where there are far more scammers taking advantage of this (by now) obsolete procedure, as you can see from the almost day-to-day person in Global/Trade saying "don't trade with X guy because he's a ditto scammer". It appears by now it's cleary taking it's toll to the staff as it's becoming far too common. Simply telling the player to not "pay upfront" and providing some unappealing tips isn't gonna completely stop this problem, by this point this should be addressed differently
  24. Exactly this. It's gonna be some time until everyone (or most people) go back to paying the full price on first trade, like most people do currently. And it's not because they are exactly "looking" to get scammed. But because it saves time on what's already a lenghty (and to be honest, an inconvenient) process (particulary if there are multiple boxes) I can understand what are they trying to convey with this, having dozens (possibly hundreds) of cases of Ditto box scamming weekly and only a few staffs to review them isn't feasible at all, especially if we also add the other types of reports. But it needs to be understand that they aren't doing any favours to the community with this, and it isn't the most welcomed way to approach it, which can be solved (as the post is suggesting) with something like a whole box trading. This idea would fully eliminate Ditto scams while also making it more convenient (and faster) for both parties involved
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