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Everything posted by Elkaroo

  1. On and off, theres not much to do but say hi to people atm and on occasion trade.
  2. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    what if god was one of them
  3. I think the violent shaking makes it better
  4. but people were already getting them done in the old thread by the community. Way to try and take credit!
  5. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

  6. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    gax was gone for well over a week, but also saucy and arch
  7. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    Wow, out of all the things i've had shoved in me at hospitals I'm now glad I've never had a catheter
  8. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    I feel odd saying this but i like the taste of pepto bismol
  9. I'd take the much lazier approach "Would you like to learn more?" -Yes -link to forum But other than that yeah, to me it seems like a good idea and i don't think changes the dialog of a few NPC's wouldn't be to hard
  10. I like it the only issue i see is it could be annoying to have to read an entire thing about breeding mechanics in a small chat bubble.
  11. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    It actually doesn't
  12. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    it bugs me that its off centre
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