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Everything posted by Sonicdash

  1. add my snap and send me uguu pics u fgts


  2. lurksquad2k15 xddddddd

  3. replaying 4 kiks

  4. fine me here if u want idk why but meh: http://theklones.shivtr.com/ + Steam (Sanic➟)

  5. ded

    1. TheGloriousWalrus
    2. Sonicdash


      i wil nvr die

      not on steem atlest

  6. Looks crisp although for some text boxes like the bag for example have no contrast between the gui and the game, i suggest maybe adding a shadow to the boxes to define them from the actual game. Other than that, I like it, somehow reminds me of windows 8 gui's, idk why.
  7. i dun't believe ur bek, send me n00ds 2prove.

    1. Squall


      Sry bby I don't send nude photos to uguus.

  8. Sonicdash

    weird sites

    staggeringbeauty gave me a fucking heart attack
  9. Sonicdash


    You forgot Brazilians. Huehuehue. [spoiler]gibe monies pl0x or eye repurt uu[/spoiler]
  10. Sonicdash


    so beutifal ;-; ten/ten Edit: too lazy to upload to gravatar atm, will do so later tomorrow.
  11. Sonicdash


    Avatars huehue, uknowatiwantbby Bee Creeativ. [spoiler]eyewanafostavatar,supahfest[/spoiler]
  12. His love apparently didn't last very long. rip hitmanx
  13. Are you even back yet m8, swer on mi mum ill rek u m8 swer duwn: GO HERE>> teambushido.shivtr.com !!

    1. Spxter


      lol, hi bro :)

  14. Sonicdash


    So much sweg. Pimping if you will.
  15. Did not know, thanks. Probably because i rarely play in-game anymore apart from the occasional team event or something.
  16. Although i have a 22" screen and another 14" smaller one connected as well, having a smaller gui would be nice to have, like in minecraft. Maybe even an option to disable the gui like the chat box. +1
  17. inb4 ThinkNice appears Also gl with the team :3
  18. 420 blaze it fgts

  19. Sonicdash

    IM NEW

    U remind me of Atlas, that one guy who got banned. Any correlation?
  20. Bek 2 skool ;-;

    1. kloneman


      hue uguu, skool is 4 losers.

    2. ShinyHaxorus


      I have college next week ;_;

  21. Sonicdash


    Another fine quality piece by sir, Bimps tah man.
  22. Sonicdash


    Make me a profession HD 500x200 signature pls. Use only your finest mouse and keyboard. Text: [BSDO] Sanic Pogeyman: sceptile Background: green pls
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