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  1. 大致看了眼内容,网游这块的管理更细致了,该不会影响到mmo吧👀
  2. 主要我想搞两套,一个黑发带眉毛一个白发,改来改去就很烦🤒
  3. 买了个白色反向,黑色眉毛太扎眼就去角色设置那里把眉毛改成无,但是每次改完保存都还是有眉毛,不知道是我的bug还是都这样
  4. Hi,My English is not good enough. If there are any inconsistencies, please forgive me I recommend introduce three systems to ensure the game more competitiveness and fun: 1. Faction System: Each channel adds challenge points to the online PC2 floor of each city. Guild members who defeat NPC can gain possession of their own city and receive a certain amount of gold coins (not too much) and food every hour within the city. Other guild members can initiate challenges at NPCs. If the guild is unmanned (offline) within 1 minute or defeated twice in a row, other guilds will gain possession of the city. 2.Hunger System: The game grants each player a satiety value of, which is four levels. In reality, it automatically decreases by one level every two hours, increases by one level when eating five tree fruits, and increases by one level when eating one food (obtained from the city occupied by the faction). When the satiety value is 3, the character gains a faint star particle surround effect. When the satiety value is 2, there is no effect. When the satiety value is not greater than 1, the shiny rate decreases to 1/31000. When the satiety value is 0, running or cycling is not allowed. 3. Dungeon System: Dungeons can randomly refresh their entrances anywhere on the map at any time. Players can only carry up to 6 Pokémon and up to 12 items before entering. Time limited reality time of 1 hour, players enter the dungeon and all monsters in the wild are appear on the map, ranging from 1 to 100 levels. Defeat the wild monster and randomly pick items such as props, medicine, rare fashion fragments, effect transferors, and a large amount of food. The deeper the dungeon level, the higher the level of the wild monster, and the better the reward. Reduce the saturation value every 10 minutes within the dungeon, and automatically exit the dungeon when the saturation value is 0. The number of wild monsters in the dungeon is constant, so it is possible to team up to reduce the pressure of dungeon exploration.
  5. Sometimes we need to use different appearances to match different decorations, so is it possible to make appearance choices more flexible (especially the haircut)
  6. 食草的话还是没稳定回复,用来counter特定宝可梦会很好用,但不一定变得非常强,毕竟没弱点的宝可梦这游戏也有,麻麻鳗鱼王跟花岩怪勾魂眼都是,只能说还行。如果是再生力的话就巨沼怪这身板可以多次进场吃爆发摸情报,再加上本身电免,在66里影响节奏的能力会十分恐怖,当然都是假设,官方大概永远不会做修改了(¦3[▓▓]
  7. 巨沼怪特性如果是再生力,那就真的不得了了😂
  8. 龙舞命玉过半uu所有物盾,好不容易有个飘浮钢钟能挡你特性还是破格😂,不过百变怪暴飞龙蜻蜓确实能挡,但是会对uu的受造成毁灭性打击😵
  9. 我计算的是能打出来,他说的是打不出来,你可能理解错了(¦3[▓▓]
  10. 这样的吗,那就是我计算器有问题,不过小磁怪倒是百分百能打出结实,已经抓了几十箱百变了无一例外。
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