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About Enzo

  • Birthday 11/09/1999

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    Fullmoon Island , Sinnoh
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  1. This is not the place where player reports are done, you can make a player report ticket on https://support.pokemmo.com/ Thanks _____ 这里不是进行玩家举报的地方,您可以在 https://support.pokemmo.com/ 上制作玩家举报单 谢谢
  2. 你好, 如果您想对禁令提出上诉,可以通过在我们的支持门户网站上提交请求来进行: https://support.pokemmo.com/support/ 请确保您使用受影响帐户的凭据登录。 如果您已经提出申诉,请耐心等待回复。 如果您已经提出上诉并且您的上诉被拒绝,则该决定是最终决定,并且禁令是不可逆转的。 没有进一步的上诉途径。 此外,超过 6 个月的禁令也是不可撤销的。 除非另有说明,否则如果您想再次玩游戏,可以创建一个新帐户。
  3. Hello, You can try to use the links below to recover it: Remember username: https://pokemmo.com/account_forgot_username/ Remember password: https://pokemmo.com/account_forgot_password/ Change e-mail: https://pokemmo.com/account_change_email/ If that doesn't help you can make a support ticket on our support platform here: https://support.pokemmo.com/ Additionally, please make sure to add an english translation to your future posts on the forums, thanks! _____________________________ Hola, Puede intentar utilizar los enlaces a continuación para recuperarlo: Recordar el nombre de usuario: https://pokemmo.com/account_forgot_username/ Recordar contraseña: https://pokemmo.com/account_forgot_password/ Cambiar e-mail: https://pokemmo.com/account_change_email/ Si eso no ayuda, puedes crear un ticket de soporte en nuestra plataforma de soporte aquí: https://support.pokemmo.com/ Además, asegúrese de agregar una traducción al inglés en sus futuras publicaciones en los foros, ¡gracias!
  4. Hello, Please type /Unstuck in chat or click on "unstuck" in Settings > Utility. This will move you to the starting city after you wait 120 seconds without moving, and enable you to proceed. Let us know if this helped and additionally please make sure to add an english translation to your future posts here because that is a rule, thanks! ____ Hola, Escriba /Unstuck en el chat o haga clic en "unstuck" en Configuración > Utilidad. Esto te llevará a la ciudad inicial después de esperar 120 segundos sin moverte y te permitirá continuar. Háganos saber si esto ayudó y, además, asegúrese de agregar una traducción al inglés a sus publicaciones futuras aquí porque esa es una regla, ¡gracias!
  5. Hello, If it's a "trade with a held item" evolution then you can just "use" the item on those pokemon from your bag like an evolution stone. The others need a trade but you can just trade it back and forth with another player or ask for assistance from an available staff member in the global chat. If you were to trade with yourself you would need to use 2 separate accounts and devices to be able to do that.
  6. Here are the level caps for all regions: Kanto : 20/26/32/37/46/47/50/55/62/100 Johto : 20/24/29/32/37/39/41/46/48/55(after Ho-oh battle)/100 Hoenn : 20/24/28/33/35/38/44/48/58/100 Unova : 20/24/27/31/35/38/43/46/56/100 Sinnoh : 20/27/29/34/37/43/46/52/60/100
  7. You can access that room after the Giratina fight during the storyline, prior to that you can't.
  8. Hello, Please pick a starter pokemon in Hoenn and after that go to your house and talk to the mom and she will let you travel back. You can read more about the travel system here: https://pastelink.net/PokeMMOTravelGuide
  9. Hello, You can appeal all punishments on our support platform by logging in with the affected account and making a "Ban Appeal" ticket: https://support.pokemmo.com/ No one deals with appeals outside of the support platform so if you already made an appeal we suggest that you remain patient and if your appeal gets rejected then the decision is final and we cannot help you. Additionally, please make sure to add an English translation to you future posts here because that is the rule, thanks! _____ Hola, Puede apelar todas las sanciones en nuestra plataforma de soporte iniciando sesión con la cuenta afectada y presentando un ticket de "Apelación de prohibición": https://support.pokemmo.com/ Nadie se ocupa de las apelaciones fuera de la plataforma de soporte, por lo que si ya presentó una apelación, le sugerimos que tenga paciencia y, si su apelación es rechazada, la decisión será definitiva y no podremos ayudarlo. Además, asegúrese de agregar una traducción al inglés en sus futuras publicaciones aquí porque esa es la regla, ¡gracias!
  10. They rotate montly, it's Entei in Johto and Zapdos in Kanto this month. You can read the details of how they work in the guide above.
  11. There are no "version exclusives" here, it doesn't matter at all which version you imported, you can access all of the pokemon from both
  12. You can find BP shops in: Hoenn battle frontier, Unova battle subway (Nimbasa), Kanto trainer tower (Isle 7)
  13. This item is already in the game, you can find it on the GTL or buy it in BP shops for battle points.
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