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Everything posted by Arsene

  1. internship over; took a week off to move back home for the end of summer

  2. Big Red important guild update standing by.
  3. http://www.titane.ca/main.html. God's thoughts mmkay. Me: Red is a better color than Teal. God: That makes sense to me. /thread.
  4. You know they say life is a game of Roulette. Put the hands on the wheel, spin it, and see it what you get. Red, Black, Red, Black; odds and evens. The game will be over if you disrespect Stephen. They say truth is the Teals are the Future, But the Tooth is rotten, all they say is "What?" You're Player 1, Ryu in the white gi And I'm Player 2, ready to spin you with Zangief
  5. I like the idea, but what is the advantage of have players release their own pokemon into the wild over say...the devs having a weekly special event where they handpick a few rare pokemon and release those into the Safari Zone? And could you say that this advantage is large enough to justify the scripting necessary to manage a near infinite pool of pokemon in the safari zone, because as I see it, your idea suffers from the fatal flaw of it being too successful. I'll elaborate. Without a cap on the number of pokemon permitted in the Safari Zone, the server would eventually bee burdened with an astronomical number of unique semi-trained pokemon and the rate of catching any one of those pokemon would be very low. Players would eventually come to the conclusion that the rate of capture of any one pokemon in the zone is less than the rate of capture in the wild and just sell and never "buy" any of the pokemon. In addition how would the Safari Zone NPC know which natures are the "good" natures (to pay players more for) without a lot of really tedious work on the devs part, going through smogon for all 3 Gens of pokemon. So what we have is a lot of the wrong pokemons. But what if there is a cap of lets say 50 or 100 pokemon. Again if pokemon are being sold at a rate faster than they can be caught in the wild then it will end up being completely random with no second chances, people are more likely to try their hand at catching pokemon, but I fear that the pokemon that people are again most likely to sell are going to OU tier pokemon of the wrong nature. Obviously there are problems for selling water types to the SZ if there is no water but overlooking this trivial point, I like the idea of being able to "inject" new pokemon into an otherwise fixed-random spawning game, but I think that devs would be better at it than we would be. Unless I'm missing something?
  6. Only jelly you see when you go to the store is RED jelly mothafucka
  7. We need packs of people in spooky tower otherwise 3skary
  8. Hey guys, real topic is here. That feel when teal and no gf meanwhile death star gone. yeah you're welcome.
  9. All REDS Report in. Background: RED GUILD is a guild dedicated to Boss (read Baus)-type Pokemon. Unlike other guilds, it is absolutely required (and advised) to have a team consisting only of this type. Rules: 1. Be Red. 2. Or Bleed Red. Features: - Guild Home - The last thing all those pokemon saw in Spook Tower was RED. Spook Tower is our Haunt now. - Giveaways - free revives for all our fallen trainers. never forgot laxmon. free asswhuppins for all the rest. - Opportunity to advance an obscene amount of Guild ranks More features will be added depending on when I'm able to copy and paste more of Spectre's guild. Requirements: -Must speak a vertebrate (NO INVERTEBRATES)
  10. Some of us actually bought our bikes for 1 million dollars and then people like you come along and game the system for free vouchers.
  11. There is already quite an extensive discussion taking place on this thread about the idea of implementing globally announced events. I think the idea itself is excellent, its now a discussion of the scope of such events. (Just shinies, swarms: higher level versions of the same pokemon or rare Gen III pokemon to tease players while the Devs work to on the Hoenn expansion, released pokemon, etc.)
  12. I read the conversation on swarms, but this was an idea developed independently of that, given your enthusiasm though foshu, I'll go back to the swarm's page and post my thoughts on there as well. I've seen it in other MMOs, I think most notably and recently RIFT would be a good example of swarms. Remember that my idea used 3 separate restriction mechanisms: 1. # of released pokemon permitted per player per X unit of time: I said that each unique user was allowed to release only 1 pokemon per hour back into the wild. Future developments in server cap might require either extending or diminishing this to as much as 1 per day. 2. # of mins pokemon released into the wild were available for capture before "runnning away." The effect of this is two fold. I said between 10-60 mins, but lets say 10 mins. That means that a L100 Charizard only interrupts 10 mins of gameplay for those people in viridian forest (and mind you the chance of encounter rate is probably higher than a shiney but lower than let's say a pikachu is in the forest) and that people that really want that charizard (assuming also that his nature was visible as a further incentive) would rush to that area to protect the lowbies from him. 3. # of times a pokemon can be released into the wild with an announcement effect. I said 1 time, this would prevent players from "juggling" L100s in lowbie areas just to terrorize lowbies, after the second release there is no announcement because the pokemon was unloved (awww) by two separate people and now has to wander the grasslands forever alone. You misunderstood my point, which wasn't that released pokemon become shiney. Instead that announcements could be used to alert players of potential shinies independent of whether or not there are announcements for released pokemon. I was saying that to the devs that the idea for announcements is still very viable even if this whole released pokemon thing never goes anywhere (in the case of shinies). In fact I think it prevents botting in the case of people sitting farming diglets for EVs are missing out on announcements throughout the region for shinies, and I think the way that the announcements could be scripted could curtail a lot of the efforts to bot shinies.
  13. Here's my suggestion as I've seen it effectively implemented in other games. It will require a reconfiguration of local/global chat, but it is quite promising and I don't see this post getting too many objections. 1. Every hour you are able to release 1 pokemon back into the wild, this is to prevent spamming of local/global chat. 2. When a pokemon is released into the wild it goes to the nearest grass/cave/pool of water and there is a local/global announcement: "Player X has released a LvL XX Pokemon into Route Z! It will be available for capture for the next 10-60 mins (your call devs)" 3. When a released pokemon is caught another announcement is sent out "Player Y has caught the LvL XX Pokemon!" or "LvL XX Pokemon has ran away and is no longer available for capture" 4. If this pokemon is released again into the wild (because it was in fact shitty,) then it is deleted and there is no second announcement Possible considerations - making the nature of this pokemon also known so that players running to these region to grab up these pokemons aren't doing so in vain Also solves the problems of a LvL100 Charizard being released into veridian forest. The people that can kill it/capture it will go there and the people that can't will steer clear. But what if this idea of releasing pokemon never comes to fruition? Why not make this how "shiney" pokemon work. Global announcements that a Shiney Pikachu has arrived in Route X and that it has been caught by Player Y seem more worthwhile than tirelessly grinding while other players bot there way to more shineys.
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