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About Stigma

  • Birthday March 31

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  1. reserved I wanna do this but have to think of a pokemon...
  2. долгое время мы не говорили... Чего?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stigma


      почему не использовать Skype?

    3. lillyfly



      Прости, прости! Телефон использовать.

    4. Stigma


      Затем штраф...

  3. Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc Ya, you're pestering actually got me to do something... And yes I did, actually started on some sketches earlier but I don't know yet what pokemon I wanna darken.
  4. Oooh, this look fun! Is there there any style that is not allowed? (mostly talking about horror/psychedelic, because that's what I specialize in)
  5. ...It was always burning since the world's been turning. So hello there! My sister has been trying to get me to play this game and I finally decided to give in and give it a go! We'll see how it turns out. I've always found that everything is more enjoyable if you can do them with others, so I guess that's what this here forum account is for. I really hope to be able to have fun in this community and also to get into the competitive scene, though that will probably take some time. Can't believe this game is in alpha, it already looks very developed. O.o Anyhow, hope to stuck around, have fun, and add more to the community. :3
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