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About ExpertWinston

  • Birthday April 11

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    Wichita, Kansas

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  1. Due to the fact that gym leaders and E4 have been tweaked... I don't think that there is any poke that can face-roll much. If there is... I would not tell Devs because they quickly nerf it. Sweepers and strong physical attacks win the day.
  2. If you play smart, it's not tougher. You would need to get a sweeper and run it full time to beat the E4 with no problems, but as I get older, I learned that the E4 now needs at least 10 Revive items and 2 poke that can rock shit. Starmie, Gengar, Lapras, Krookorok. Big boys that can nuke the E4 v1.0 help you get through it and then you can play the regular game. The regular game being... just people grinding and farming. Good luck!
  3. Girl, I've been playing for nine years now. I do know the Kanye code. It's like the Konami Code.
  4. I am here for the sad poops that will keep asking "when is anniversary" and "Johto tomorrow". Let me keep doing behind the scenes damage control. ❤️ Like I have always been, behind the scenes. If anything... I will bonk them on the head with a stick/club in honor of mommyissues Cubone. ? She was a good girl. Loved her mama. Loved Jesus and America too. Big F for Mama Cubone and mama issues. ?
  5. So now I have a Fling (a few posts above) that didn't consume hold item Pretty Wing and here I have a Fling that didn't consume a Lucky Egg (Small). I guess if one flings a Damp Rock and it doesn't work, we know they changed it so Fling doesn't entirely destroy an item after battle.
  6. Just because we can access only 7 gyms doesn't mean they have not coded them. If you get to the 7th badge and there are a herd of Snorlax and Wailmers blocking the path to progression, then they just don't want us going passed there yet. This is the initial PTS to check early areas and test balancing. Eventually they should have a PTS with full E4 access and the debug commands so we can really get into it. Back when PokeMMO was new, there was only Kanto and you could only go up to Brock's gym. The horror! The terror!
  7. I found a Sinnoh horde of 1,805 logged onto the forums.
  8. I found a horde of anxious players ready for Sinnoh PTS in Vermillion and a horde of staff standing on a roof.
  9. Now it has used Fling and the item didn't get consumed or vanish. I'm not sure if they saw my above post and made a ninja edit or Fling is wonky and broken. Maybe Pretty Wings can't be thrown because they don't work in a damage calculation?
  10. It seems if they use Fling, it destroys their hold item permanently so that's a thing to watch out for. To reply to someone's early comment that they were getting just Damp Rocks, it seems to be Damp Rocks, Pretty Wings, and Lucky Eggs Small. Be patient.
  11. I would say surf around in the water south of Mossdeep (but still in the city).
  12. Normal server is up, but... Edit: Nevermind. Guess they're still tinkering with stuff. 15 minutes or so left in their estimated time they stated.
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